Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.

Stubbling on this oasis has solidifys that I am sane and now a member of MC Connect!! A unwilling candidate, that was exposed to covid 19 with a positive test 2 month after receiving the last Pfizer vaccination, in April 2021. I've been doing my own research and found bits and pieces of valuable information but nothing to this extent. I am currently living in Arkansas, a state that does not offer these resources nor support in the surrounding counties of it's capital of Little Rock. It has felt as though I've been in a stack of needles trying to find the hay! Wheww some Relief 😊


Hello @bustrbrwn22

I just now read your post about your multiple diagnoses and I am glad that you picked Connect as a place to share your disappointments, losses and grief. You are certainly not whining but sharing your pain with others and that is a healthy thing to do.

I would also like to invite Rachel, @rwinney, to this discussion. She has also had difficult-to-diagnose vision problems as well as chronic pain. She may be able to share some of her coping strategies with you.

Do you have any specific coping strategies that are helpful to you now?

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The biggest thing that has helped me is opening up to people and seeking support. I never used to open up before even to my husband. Lorirenee1 introduced me to Dan Buglio and I watch several of his videos on you tube every morning until I have my anxiety and breathing under control. I am trying very hard to do whatever I can to not stress over all this stuff because that could on boy make the autoimmune response worse, I would think? I have to Bruder my eyes now cause they are really throbbing now and giving me a splitting headache but I so appreciate everyone who has even liked my posts. I was feeling so alone and you all have lifted my spirits to keep on fighting through the pain. I suspect Lichen Planus isn’t done with me as I have a couple orifices left that are already showing symptoms of LP so keep me in your prayers please. Any suggestions of how to handle better or advocate for myself better are appreciated.


Stubbling on this oasis has solidifys that I am sane and now a member of MC Connect!! A unwilling candidate, that was exposed to covid 19 with a positive test 2 month after receiving the last Pfizer vaccination, in April 2021. I've been doing my own research and found bits and pieces of valuable information but nothing to this extent. I am currently living in Arkansas, a state that does not offer these resources nor support in the surrounding counties of it's capital of Little Rock. It has felt as though I've been in a stack of needles trying to find the hay! Wheww some Relief 😊

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Hello @releaf421, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. We are certainly glad you found Connect! You may want to check out the Get Started on Connect guide for some tips on how to use the site here -

Do you mind sharing what you were searching for when you found Connect?


The biggest thing that has helped me is opening up to people and seeking support. I never used to open up before even to my husband. Lorirenee1 introduced me to Dan Buglio and I watch several of his videos on you tube every morning until I have my anxiety and breathing under control. I am trying very hard to do whatever I can to not stress over all this stuff because that could on boy make the autoimmune response worse, I would think? I have to Bruder my eyes now cause they are really throbbing now and giving me a splitting headache but I so appreciate everyone who has even liked my posts. I was feeling so alone and you all have lifted my spirits to keep on fighting through the pain. I suspect Lichen Planus isn’t done with me as I have a couple orifices left that are already showing symptoms of LP so keep me in your prayers please. Any suggestions of how to handle better or advocate for myself better are appreciated.

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@bustrbrwn22 - The Patient Revolution website has lots of great tips for learning how to advocate for your health and to bring your doctor along for the trip 😁 Check out the topics on this page - I like the Tools for the Visit page which helps plan your conversation with your doctor.


Hello @releaf421, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. We are certainly glad you found Connect! You may want to check out the Get Started on Connect guide for some tips on how to use the site here -

Do you mind sharing what you were searching for when you found Connect?

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Resources that offer selfhelp support.
Participant in research of post covid 19 if possible. Looking for any evidence base information. Alternatives ways to cope with my symptoms without using non-essential medications.


@johnbishop Thanks John, I feel so lonely. My "disease" and how pervasive it is is so rare I don't have anyone to identify with. I don't ever hear from anyone on the Mayo Clinic website about my posts (everyone has too much email) and probably no one understands how harmful this disease is since so few people have it. I will pray that people reach out to me at least to support me, like you. Along with the tremors and stiff legs it is so hard to keep fighting every day doing my stretches and my husband is now starting to take me for very short walks so I can hopefully have some quality of life and beat whatever happened to me, seizure or whatever. It is so depressing to think that some doctors think I am faking it, I have bad days and badder days but every day is a challenge and I welcome any support.

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Hello @bustrbrwn22, my great sympathies for your ongoing health issues. I have determined that having autoimmune diseases is indeed very lonely and isolating. People just tell me I look good and don’t understand how I claim to feel so ill.

I have three autoimmune diseases, one of which I had symptoms for years which when I told my primary care doctor she paid no attention. If she just would have sent me for some labs I wouldn’t have ended up in Stage 3 liver cirrhosis and nearly dead three times. I think like many with autoimmune diseases we can completely relate to your frustration with medical providers that don’t listen until it’s too late.

I know there are good medical providers out there though, as I was blessed to have a liver transplant. My surgeons and providers on my transplant team are truly remarkable.

Its indeed a daily struggle to remain positive when you think no one cares and when one is in pain. I try to find joy in simple things and continue to hope for better days. I hope that you find the same and can remain positive in the face of such adversity.


The biggest thing that has helped me is opening up to people and seeking support. I never used to open up before even to my husband. Lorirenee1 introduced me to Dan Buglio and I watch several of his videos on you tube every morning until I have my anxiety and breathing under control. I am trying very hard to do whatever I can to not stress over all this stuff because that could on boy make the autoimmune response worse, I would think? I have to Bruder my eyes now cause they are really throbbing now and giving me a splitting headache but I so appreciate everyone who has even liked my posts. I was feeling so alone and you all have lifted my spirits to keep on fighting through the pain. I suspect Lichen Planus isn’t done with me as I have a couple orifices left that are already showing symptoms of LP so keep me in your prayers please. Any suggestions of how to handle better or advocate for myself better are appreciated.

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Sharing with others is a great start @bustrbrwn22 . You have developed some good routines for calming yourself with a video that is helping you. I just looked at the link that John, @johnbishop, shared from the patient revolution website. If you haven't read it yet, I would encourage you to read it, especially the note cards to direct conversations with a doctor. I found those to be very good.

Have you considered getting a second opinion at a research-oriented health care facility? I think that might possibly provide you with a valuable resource. These types of health care centers are good places to find help for hard to treat health issues.


Hello @bustrbrwn22, my great sympathies for your ongoing health issues. I have determined that having autoimmune diseases is indeed very lonely and isolating. People just tell me I look good and don’t understand how I claim to feel so ill.

I have three autoimmune diseases, one of which I had symptoms for years which when I told my primary care doctor she paid no attention. If she just would have sent me for some labs I wouldn’t have ended up in Stage 3 liver cirrhosis and nearly dead three times. I think like many with autoimmune diseases we can completely relate to your frustration with medical providers that don’t listen until it’s too late.

I know there are good medical providers out there though, as I was blessed to have a liver transplant. My surgeons and providers on my transplant team are truly remarkable.

Its indeed a daily struggle to remain positive when you think no one cares and when one is in pain. I try to find joy in simple things and continue to hope for better days. I hope that you find the same and can remain positive in the face of such adversity.

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Hi @athenalee! Great advice to @bustrbrwn22... finding simple joys, and hope for better days. I think looking good is a great place to start in the fight against invisible diseases, chronic pain and symptoms. Self care is not selfish, and can help us feel better about ourselves, despite our conditions or obstacles. Learning to shift focus away from pain is empowering.

Congratulations on your liver transplant, and having a remarkable team of doctors. I'm happy for you!


Hi, All,
I'm looking for support, empathy, and compassion as I write this. From January to July I was bed bound with severe sciatica, excruciating shoulder/neck pain (unfortunately my pain dr never reviewed the MRI and my new gynecologist looked at it and I have bone spurs/arthritis), new Lichen Planus outbreaks so i could not eat solid food for weeks (but now my Seroquel weight is gone, my husband says I'm way too bony), and now the kicker. I kept asking my eye dr to check again because my eyes hurt 24x7, a pain in the back of my eye that moved to the front. After months of begging, i finally saw a dry eye specialist yesterday. The Lichen Planus has spread to my eyes and the specialist said he would do everything he could to save my vision. Because it is so advanced, he had to prescribe a very strong steroid drop which could cause a sudden increase in eye pressure and immediate blindness, which is most likely the end result anyway.. I have been sleeping about 2-3 hours a night because the eye pain is so bad i have to constantly put special eye drops in. The doctor was very compassionate and his assistant was waiting outside the door as we exited. She offered to let me sit in a private room for a while to digest this devastating news (I can't drive myself right now because of the seizures I think I wrote about) before driving home. I only think what if... what if the doctors and nurses had been more compassionate when I kept calling and advocating for my eye care instead of saying my eyes will probably burn for months, it's part of dry eye healing. it wasn't dry eye, it was Lichen Planus, which I asked and educated them about but none of them wanted to listen to me, I'm not a dr. I apologize for whining but I am beyond devastated. There's more to the story if anyone is interested.but please say a prayer for me.

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Hello @bustrbrwn22. I'm hoping you remember me from the neuropathy group. I went to Mayo's Pain Rehab Center for 3 weeks last October, then took "me time" to work the program. Now, here I am! Back to support members like yourself.

Let me first start by saying how proud I am of you for reaching out at the times you most need reassurance, empathy and support. I noticed that about you when I used to read your posts.

I'm very sorry for the plethora of issues you have, and greatly understand the feelings of devastation you're experiencing. It's very hard to not go down the rabbit hole by rehashing the past, questioning past decisions or missed diagnoses. It creates wasted energy and fires up your nerves, creating enhanced pain by triggering your central nervous system. There's a phrase at PRC called "don't access the network". It's a hard thing to get used to doing, but I strongly encourage anyone to make their best attempt at this change.

Some other helpful tools and coping mechanisms I learned at PRC were:

1. Focus on controlling the things you can

2. Pull in the view finder and think about the next 5 minutes, do not
get too far ahead

3. Focus on abilities, not limitations

4. Practice techniques that relieve stress (like the videos you watch
that @lorirenee1 recommended - she's a smart cookie!)

5. Learn to shift your focus away from pain, through distractions,
nature, comedy, children, pets

6. Reduce or omit medications that are not medically necessary by
speaking with your doctors and asking what may be enhancing
your pain

7. Eating a nutritious diet and getting the sleep your mind and body

8. Don't let feelings drive the bus! Focus on facts over feelings,
especially when working with your doctors

I certainly hope that when you're up to reading this post, it brings reassurance to you that you are not alone. Maybe we all have different things going on, but at the end of the day, Connect is here for you.


Hi, All,
I'm looking for support, empathy, and compassion as I write this. From January to July I was bed bound with severe sciatica, excruciating shoulder/neck pain (unfortunately my pain dr never reviewed the MRI and my new gynecologist looked at it and I have bone spurs/arthritis), new Lichen Planus outbreaks so i could not eat solid food for weeks (but now my Seroquel weight is gone, my husband says I'm way too bony), and now the kicker. I kept asking my eye dr to check again because my eyes hurt 24x7, a pain in the back of my eye that moved to the front. After months of begging, i finally saw a dry eye specialist yesterday. The Lichen Planus has spread to my eyes and the specialist said he would do everything he could to save my vision. Because it is so advanced, he had to prescribe a very strong steroid drop which could cause a sudden increase in eye pressure and immediate blindness, which is most likely the end result anyway.. I have been sleeping about 2-3 hours a night because the eye pain is so bad i have to constantly put special eye drops in. The doctor was very compassionate and his assistant was waiting outside the door as we exited. She offered to let me sit in a private room for a while to digest this devastating news (I can't drive myself right now because of the seizures I think I wrote about) before driving home. I only think what if... what if the doctors and nurses had been more compassionate when I kept calling and advocating for my eye care instead of saying my eyes will probably burn for months, it's part of dry eye healing. it wasn't dry eye, it was Lichen Planus, which I asked and educated them about but none of them wanted to listen to me, I'm not a dr. I apologize for whining but I am beyond devastated. There's more to the story if anyone is interested.but please say a prayer for me.

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