← Return to COVID vaccines and neuropathy


COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: Nov 14, 2023 | Replies (2164)

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Hmm...interesting question. I'm by no means an expert in neuropathies, but it seems most people don't know the exact cause of theirs. Here is what Mayo Clinic has to say https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peripheral-neuropathy/symptoms-causes/syc-20352061
I don't know which is worse after vaccine - pain or neuropathy, but they are both telling us our immune system is capable of revving up!

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Replies to "Hmm...interesting question. I'm by no means an expert in neuropathies, but it seems most people don't..."

Diabetes/metabolic accounts for 2/3 of all peripheral neuropathies. The other 1/3 is made up of any number of causes. In some cases there is simply no known cause(idiopathic) but that is a definite minority of cases.