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I have had Osteoporosis and taken many of the pills over the last 20 years. Actonel and Fosamax didn’t do anything to improve my bone density scores. Next I tried everyday I hoof Fosamax and within six months I had such joint pain my doctor immediately took me off that and recommended Prolia.
My low bone density was a direct result of malnutrition caused by undiagnosed Celiac Disease. Once I was diagnosed and began a totally Gluten free diet, I started to slowly put back on 40 of the 50 pounds I had lost. With this kind of history, I knew I had to find something that would help rebuild the density in my bones.
I began the Prolia along with Bio
Indentical Hormones 7 years ago. I have had no side effects whatsoever from the injections and I have the lowest level of Osteopenia in my hip. My doctor prescribed compounded HRT with regular blood work and increased my Testosterone levels just a bit to help with the density of my bones. I have no reservations about the Prolia and expect my bone density test in October to show the Osteopenia to be gone.
I do understand all the hesitation in adding such drugs to our systems but with me it has been a complete success without issues. Being 75 and noticing I sometimes lose my balance due to AFIB, I couldn’t rely on doing nothing, possibly falling, and who knows what I might break.
Just wanted to show there are successes with the drug.

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Replies to "I have had Osteoporosis and taken many of the pills over the last 20 years. Actonel..."

Will you please report back to us when you have stopped the drug and had your bone density tested again - while you are off the drug? That will be the real test. You should consider taking vitamin D3 for your balance - it prevents falls by at least 50%. I have not fallen since I started taking vitamin D3 - it's been a long time now - more than a decade - I'm guessing about 14 years.