@lauracaballero, welcome. Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). I'm tagging fellow members like @chicago1211 @jordanstutz1 @ottawalisa @irishgirl55 @jimhd who may be able to share their experiences about taking an SNRI, for how long and more.
Laura, needing medication for extended periods of time or life long to manage depression depends on many factors and varies from person to person. These factors can include family history, environmental factors, other long-term medical or mental health, changes in other stressors like relationships, work, sleep patterns. Here's an article that explains more:
- How Long Should You Take Antidepressants? https://www.webmd.com/depression/features/antidepressants
Laura, did you find that 3 weeks was too fast to taper of the medication? Are you also supporting your management of depression with non-medicinal therapies, like cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), yoga, exercise, talk therapy or something else?
Thank you for your response, and for linking the article, it was very informative. The effects when lowering the medication came almost immediatly, about five days after lowering it. I’ve been taking cognitive behavios therapy since before the medication (my therapist recommended seeing a psychiatrist as well), as for physical activity it remained somewhat consistent before and during the lowering of the dose. What scares me is that maybe i will have to take the medication for more years or even for life, but in research i’ve made it never says that it can be permanent