← Return to COVID vaccines and neuropathy


COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: Nov 14, 2023 | Replies (2164)

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I never had any type of Neuropathy symptoms prior to getting the Moderna shot on 3/29/21. Several days later I started experiencing the tingling in the feet and hands. I felt like the symptoms were subsiding and at the advice of my general doctor got the second shot on 4/26/21. Symptoms became more pronounced after the second shot with burning sensations in feet and hands and numbness in fingertips and toes. I went to see a neurologist and he diagnosed me with Small Fiber Neuropathy. I also found out at my appointment that I cannot feel cold temperatures in portions of my feet and ankles. This started out as annoying but has turned into slightly painful. However, it's not debilitating. I was hoping after four months it would go away or subside some. No luck. I chose not to medicate this as it is tolerable. However, I am very concerned on getting a booster shot when that need arises.

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Replies to "I never had any type of Neuropathy symptoms prior to getting the Moderna shot on 3/29/21...."

Hello @jcc352, Welcome to Connect. Sorry to hear you now have neuropathy as a result of your Moderna COVID vaccine. Hopefully it's only temporary and you will get back to normal. Since you mentioned you chose not to take drugs to help with the pain symptoms of neuropathy, I thought you might find the following information on alternative treatments for neuropathy from the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy helpful.
-- https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/integrative-therapies/

Have you thought about alternative treatments to reduce the symptoms?

Sorry to hear that. I have the same but after 1 shot. May I ask if your neurologist did a nerve biopsy to confirm it was small fiber neuropathy?
Thanks for your help.

You are experiencing the similar symptoms as my 34 year old son. He is 4 months post 2nd Pfizer injection and had had no changes in the tingling of both hands and feet to knees. Are you better? If so, what treatment worked? God bless you