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Good morning
I believe since marijuana can be addicting in some it would be essential to consult a physician. What type of toxic symptoms is your child having?
Do you give your child THC and/or CBD? Which preparation of cannabis do you use?
Have you tried the FDA approved CBD medication Epidiolex for Epilepsy? I understand it costs around $32,000 a year although a couple members here have contacted the manufacturer and received it for very reasonable co-pays.
Hear is an Epidiolex thread on Connect
Best of luck,

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Replies to "@lhoward Good morning I believe since marijuana can be addicting in some it would be essential..."

She was under the care of palleative care, every type of treatment had failed - she was dying.
Epidiolex is ineffective.
The Aust equivalent of the FDA know my friend makes her daughters medicine at Homs herself, they have had it tested and searched the world for a legally produced matching product but it does not exist. The Federal Health Minister, Police and Drs support her being given full extract cannabis medicine as
THC is significantly safer than the other 19 meds she was prescribed- concurrently- like Oxycodine, Oxycotin, Lyrica, Keppra, Diazepam, Valium…..

She is now thriving - she was discharged out of palleative care 18 months ago …. As she is no longer dying …..

THC is not toxic, nor is there any scientific proof it’s harmful. It’s stops her seizures in seconds Vs cardiac and respiratory distress, priority 1 ambulance emergency call, administered Medazolam, intubation & life support which it took previously to stop them.

thank you