← Return to COVID vaccines and neuropathy


COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: Nov 14, 2023 | Replies (2164)

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All of my doctors have said they cannot rule out the vaccine and the timing and symptoms indicate the strong probability that this is an exaggerated response to the vaccine. They blame my previous COVID infection first and foremost as the impetus for what they believe is an exaggerated immune response that caused a series of concerning health problems... none of which I had before. For the purpose of an FDA drug study, that is all that is needed to create a serious adverse event case... the inability to definitively rule out the drug as the cause. No doctor has been able to rule it out and the problems are measurable thanks to labs and various tests they’ve ordered.

I do believe my PCP when he says that he believes that this is an inflammatory response. I want to believe him when he tells me that he believes this is a temporary state and that my body will find health and homeostasis again. Many days that is hard to believe, but I am taking a regimen of OTC meds that have histamine 1 and 2 receptors and it seems to be keeping my symptoms stable. I also agree with my Neurologist’s suspicion that my ANS is involved. After reading an article in the Atlantic on the way COVID impacts breathing and the vasovagel nerve, I have started deep breathing exercises. If nothing else, it feels good. But for some, evidence is mounting that these breathing exercises help stimulate the vasovagel nerve, which positively impacts the ANS and helps it reset. That “reset” helps to heal post-COVID neuropathy and muscle weakness. So the good news is that healing can and is happening, but the downside is that the healing process tends to be very, very slow. Hang in there. Reach out to your vaccine’s safety team and start that conversation.

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Replies to "All of my doctors have said they cannot rule out the vaccine and the timing and..."

I also had COVID in December, so that makes me wonder as well. I should do the deep breathing just for stress relieve any way! I hope and pray this is temporary. Taking Celebrex seems to help my pain some, which would make sense if it's inflammatory. I can't wait for my testing to be done to have some answers. Thanks so much for your response.