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Erosive oral lichen planus

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Jan 19 4:18pm | Replies (231)

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Hello @jkh7 I’m so glad you found this discussion. OLP is certainly no joke to those who suffer from it. Please see @maryz ’s post from July 28. She had some good luck finally. Let’s hope that she’ll return to the conversation.

What have you tried so far?

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Replies to "Hello @jkh7 I’m so glad you found this discussion. OLP is certainly no joke to those..."

@jkh7 Here is another discussion you might check out. I believe it also has suggestions for you

Oral lichen Planus https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/oral-lichen-planus-3/

Hello, my Dermatologist had me on Clobetasol and Protopic for a year and a half and then said that I had been on it too long and then sent me on my way. A couple of months later I saw an Oral Pathologist and she put me back on Protopic and then she retired. I just recently am seeing a new Dermatologist and she said to go back on the Protopic when I have a flare and use George's Aloe Vera to rinse in between. I am a little nervous about using the Protopic. I tried for a month to put Tumeric paste on one side of the gums, but didn't help at all. That is about all I have tried. Thanks for messaging back. Judy.

Hello Becky, I just found your message. Thank you so much for your help. I read Mary's post from July 28th and the Mayo Clinic connect post also. I have copied it and going to show it to my Dermatologist who I will be seeing again in September about having trays with the Clobetasol gel in them. Would be so good to do that when there is a flare. I sure appreciate your help. All the best, Judy.