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DiscussionGot Pfizer Feb- SIRVA next day -concerned that vaccine did not take
Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Aug 30, 2021 | Replies (49)Comment receiving replies

In the news early in the week, you may have also seen that 74% of COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts were fully vaccinated. Also, reports from healthcare officials in both Israel and London that 40% of people being admitted for COVID-19 (serious illness) were fully vaccinated. I have wondered why it seems the fully vaccinated people are the ones still riddled with fear and anxiety that they will become ill with COVID-19 and die. Maybe their fears are justified since the actual effectiveness of the vaccines is as much in question as is the long-term effects. But, since these are the people whose fears have never subsided and likely never will, I believe they are a group that deals with Cluster-C type anxiety disorders.
This is an experimental vaccine technology. We are guinea pigs. My mother looked at the pros and cons, and though still feeling apprehensive, chose to take the vaccine based on her age, putting her in the high-risk category. Though she and the rest of the family were quite sure she had COVID through Jan-Feb, 2020 right before the pandemic scare started. Looking at her symptoms, conditions and the findings at the time, her doctor also concurred that that is a distinct possibility. And the fact that the family was there with her almost daily, hugging, kissing and caring for her, and the fact that we all had some degree of illness weeks later probably means we all had it. But where are the T-cell tests that were once talked about that would just immunity after antibodies in the blood have run their course? And why is past infection not seen as a natural immunity as it has been with other viral diseases? Why are those who have had COVID-19 still being pushed to take the vaccine? The CDC even said in the beginning that natural immunity will come from a mix of natural immunity and vaccinations. Now natural immunity is no longer discussed and the push for vaccination for all has become almost militant. I'm over the hill — not quite in the high-risk group yet — but I have zero health issues, I do not take any medications, my weight is average (or was before the lockdowns), my checkups and bloodwork come back perfect every year. I would rather take the chance with a virus that statistically is not that dangerous to my specific demographic (and one I've likely already had) than volunteer to be injected with a new type of vaccine still in human testing trials that is showing a growing number of serious side effects and of deaths.
Why does my decision so frighten the fully vaccinated? Many of whom want government-mandated (forced) vaccination. If they truly believe the vaccine works and they are protected, why are they worried that I get vaccinated? Why would they fear me and my personal decision? If they do not believe the vaccine works and they are still just as susceptible to severe illness and death from COVID-19, then why on earth would they worry that I or anyone else, get vaccinated? There is no logic in that. There is no science in that. There is only fear and anxiety and some narcissistic, and quite frankly fascistic, mentality that others just need to do-as-they-say, period, in order to soothe their irrational fears and stroke their inflated egos. No. My freedom and my individual liberty, whether you call it constitutional, God-given or natural law, will not be subjugated nor abrogated by their personal fears. Fear is not a virtue.
They are many answers I would like to know: Why is natural immunity now not considered immunity? Where are the T-cell test that could show past infection and long-term natural immunity? Why have safe and effective treatments like drug combinations including hydroxychloroquine been lied about, restricted, and erased from the public forum? People with Lupis and arthritis take hydroxychloroquine. People in third-world countries where Malaria is prevalent take it every day like a multi-vitamin. If you believe hydroxychloroquine is not safe, you are listening to fear and not facts. You are listening to a political/media narrative and not science from the last 70 years. Clinical studies have also shown a lot of success with a combination of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and Queceritin given in certain monitored doseages. Have you heard about that? If not, why? There are new FDA-approved anti-viral medications being talked about (no more effective than the ones listed above), but at hospitals, they are only being given to patients who are in an advanced state of illness. Why? Why do people need to wait until they have severe illness, dropping oxygen levels and likely permanent lung damage to begin a medication regimen? Should that not begin right away with positive test results? This is a virus with a 99.8% overall survival rate with all demographics combined. A virus where 94% of deaths occur in people with an average of 2.6 comorbidities in play. Where the average age of death is 78 (same as life expectancy in the US). Mostly people who would also die from the flu, bacterial respiratory infections or other bacterial infections like strep and staff. These are facts. This is a nasty virus. Is it akin to the black plague or even the 1918 influenza? No. The authoritarian reactions to this illness do not fit the facts.
Replies to "In the news early in the week, you may have also seen that 74% of COVID-19..."
Very well written piece. I have the same questions and can not find any answers. All I am told is just get the vaccination. What frightens me more is the big push to have children vaccinated. Thank you for speaking up.