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NET - Insulinoma

Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) | Last Active: Nov 11, 2023 | Replies (210)

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Hi, I went to Mayo in Sept. of 2018, for a thyroid nodule. While I was there I told the internist I was having such weight gain because I had to eat or I thought I would pass out. Thank God, he sent me to a specialist in metabolism, she is an Endocrinologist. She listen to my story without judgement and ask all the right questions. She gave me a card for lab work if I started to feel one of my episodes ( thats what I named them ) now remember I have now been fasting for a thyroid biopsy ( our local hospital back home did one and had too much blood in the one they did so they wanted me to see a surgeon ) while I was on the table to get the biopsy one of the nurses told me that when I was done to go back to E 18 …I was a bit confused as I was fasting now for about 18 hours ( hard to do with an insulinoma ) when I walked back into her office …the first thing she ask me was how I felt. She ask me to sit down, then she told me that after our earlier conversation she called a fellow and discussed with him what she thought…he agreed with her that it sounded like insulinoma. But now I needed to either stay at Mayo or come back for the 72 hour test. I told he r I would come back in a couple weeks. When I went back the 72 hour test was to start in the Mayo Clinic through the lab in the endocrinology department….Blood drawn every hour, until noon then I would move to become an in patient at St. Mary’s. I was done just before noon , an never made it to the hospital. From there CT Scan & ESU were done, the tumor unfortunately was at the head about the size of a grape. It was full open surgery, 10 day stay, and some issues post op. All in all I feel I was well taken care of. I never heard the work insulinoma and really wasn’t sure where my pancreas was. I looked it up and knew from alll my symptoms that she was onto something. To me it was all a blessing, a gift from God.

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Replies to "Hi, I went to Mayo in Sept. of 2018, for a thyroid nodule. While I was..."


I am glad that you posted about your diagnosis of Insulinoma and experience at Mayo. It sounds like your diagnosis and treatment went very well. I'm glad that you reported about this as it is an encouragement to others.

How are you feeling now? Do you have regular follow-ups?