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After being fully vaccinated I developed IBS, pharyngitis, and PRM within several months so I am a little suspicious that the vaccine didn't play a role in amping up my immune system too much to cause more autoimmunity issues.
I don't really think anyone really knows the answer - feels like we are guinea pigs - but I would love to know what other people with PMR and autoimmunity conditions are doing and think about this. I have a range of docs and all traditional say to get them, and those who are on the edge of traditional leaning toward functional, etc say absolutely not.
Thank you! for your thoughts. Kathy

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Replies to "After being fully vaccinated I developed IBS, pharyngitis, and PRM within several months so I am..."

I am 76. Newly PMR diagnosed 2 weeks ago or so. Sudden onset (March 13) of belly distress AND pain in back muscles that evolved to pains in shoulders, neck, trapezius muscles, wrists, elbows, hips when lying on them; inability to underess with arms overhead, reach for things in fridge or cabinet, or get off the toilet without using hands to lift up...causing more pain in wrists! I got the 2nd MODERNA vax on Feb 26,2021. So 15 days later this sudden onset of symptoms. I was sick for 3 days with the 2nd dose...fever, profound fatigue. SO, of course we don't know...if the vax generated this or not. But, it is, to me suspicious. Not provable. Now on 10 mg prednisone to start. Helping about 80% and I can reach, turn over without groaining, get up from sitting position without assistance. Muscles for 12-14 hours good. After that not as good. Will try dividing the dose AM/PM to see. Sharon

My original entry to this Mayo group was due to my diagnosis of PMR by my primary physician about seven weeks after the J&J, although symptoms started about four weeks after the shot. Suspicion, since I was always practicing
healthy lifestyle habits. On prednisone, which helps alleviate pain but have recently lost weight - muscle mass, strength; subcutaneous fat in arms and legs ( bleed easily); vision changes, memory challenges. Is it PMR or the Covid shot or both? Laurel (74)

Hi Kathy @kspowell, You will notice that we merged your discussion with an existing discussion on the same topic - PMR and Corona Virus (COVID-19), so that you could meet other members with similar questions and thoughts. I have PMR but it's thankfully in remission right now. I also have small fiber PN, osteopenia, sleep apnea and lymphedema to name a few that I know about 🙂 I've had both Pfizer vaccines and the Shingrix vaccine and fortunately only had minor side effects that most people are reporting. I regularly got the flu vaccine but held off for a long time until I decided to get the Shingrix shot. Too many folks around me were getting shingles and I definitely did not want the pain that comes with it so I decided it was time.

My thoughts on autoimmune conditions and the COVID vaccine is that the benefits outweigh the risks for me which is why I got the shot. Things in our control that we can do as patients when you have autoimmune conditions is to learn as much as you can about the condition and any lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce the symptoms. After my second round with PMR, I decided I need to eat better and exercise more. I also needed to focus on eating more foods that are anti-inflammatory to hopefully keep the PMR in remission. Here's some information you might find helpful if you haven't already seen it - Polymyalgia rheumatica diet: Foods to eat and avoid: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321683