What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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Nancy I don't want people to think that I'm a Polyanna and have my head in the clouds. I was very sick for a very long time. I felt hopeless and without any possibility of recovery. I've always had a creative mind, but when I couldn't cook for myself, and my husband poor dear, was putting on awful meals (he is not a cook), and we humbly ate what was in front of us, I saw no hope. He insisted every day, as sick as I was that I get up, get dressed and he helped me out of the house into the car and we would go for take out food for lunch. I had just enough humility to be grateful. We would sit overlooking the ocean, the lake, the mountains, and eat our take out food often in the car during Covid. I dive an 18 year old car, and I love it. It suits me. I'd say to. m y friend...my car looks like a dirty diner. We'd talk about how grateful we are to still be together at 84 & 85. Some days I could barely dress myself, so I know what the people on this site are experiencing. My kids knew we were going out every day, and we just acted like we were not feeling great if they came to the house. I didn't want them to give up their lives to take care of me, and we sort of figured out ways to "cover". The rest of the time I just sat in my chair. I was exhausted, and I got to my docs appt., and we did whatever we absolutely had to do, but our lives were bleak. Then he was diagnosed with Early Alzheimers, and it was almost the final straw. We were just plodding along. I had a few friends who knew how sad and sick we were. They did things to brighten our days, but I saw no hope ahead. I did worry about how my husband would care for himself as his disease progressed, if I died. My husband became depressed. he lost his best friend, then his brother, another friend moved away, and then when Covid came he lost his cribbage friends. No one could gather. During this 4 1/2 year period I had two back surgeries that were serious, and then an abcess. So three surgeries. I was desperate, and I signed up for a zoom class called Living Well With Chronic Pain. it was sort of a last ditch effort. That Course helped me to began a very basic, simple exercise program that I could do regardless of my limitation. It helped me to learn to advocate better for myself, I began to cook simple meals, and I began to socialize with my friends who I had been hiding from, I began to stop taking meds that were not helping me. My life began to change. I'm still not physically much different. I have pain, sleepless nights, and instead of focusing on that I look out my window at the birds at the feeder, at my flowers, or think of the next project that I'm going to produce. I had two sewing rooms upstair that I could not access. I called a friend and she came and took pictures of those two rooms, and she had them printed and enlarged. I would circle things on those pages, and have my husband go upstairs and bring down 4 or 5 items, and bins filled with fabrics and supplies. I found a hallway that I had hubby set up with a desk and a few pieces of furniture where I could store what I wanted. There was a stairway, and I believed that it was empty space under it and I asked him to cut into it and see if there was storage space and there was. I would drag myself into that small hallway, and sort through. I gave about 50 new patterns to charity, and yards and yard of fabric, extra sewing machines, and kept my favorite one. I figured out how to get a small sewing area set up, and then I began to work on projects on a card table in the living room. I tried things that didn't work, and then tried things that did work. I'll only say this once, because I will not focus on it, but as I sit here, and type, I'm wracked with pain. I refuse to focus on the pain. I can see over my desktop computer into my back yard and the birds are feeding outside my window, and my gorgeous lilies and summer phlox are blooming. My cousin and her boy-friend will arrive from New Hampshire in a few hours, and she'll bring her show and tell, and I'll show her my projects. She's 73 and I'm 84. I search for patterns on my computer because I cannot negotiate going into stores. I have taken my life back, and my production and creativity has exploded. I'm doing more and better work that I ever have, and with determination. I refuse to give up. But when I write these things that I write it's because I want others to reclaim their life in the best manner that they can. We do not have to live our lives focused on pain and suffering. We can see a better tomorrow. I had that choice and I took it. I can talk symptoms and meds, and pain and suffering, or I can talk about the gorgeous wool chair backs that I designed and made for the dining room chairs with flowers and birds, and colors, and stitches that I did by hand that were difficult with arthritis, but produced something beautiful. Dig out the guitar, and sing a song, or read a book, or look at the stars at night, or the sun coming up over the horizon. Do something even if it takes your last breath to do it. You are alive, do one thing today that you love.

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Beautiful!! I think you were talking to me!. I’m going to post this on my mirror and read it every day! Thank you


Now I get it...you mean how high is the river. The pictures are from above the dam. We are below the dam and the river is down considerably. There is little coming over the dam. Now I have it straight.

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Hi @sueinmn.....so I walked to the dam and took this picture. A little more water flowing today. You can also see how far the water is down on the wall directly across. BTW that is a power plant.


Hi @sueinmn.....so I walked to the dam and took this picture. A little more water flowing today. You can also see how far the water is down on the wall directly across. BTW that is a power plant.

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@artscapinng Great photography, Chris!


@artist01 @ess77 @jakedduck1 and all the window watchers! Not a photo from my picture window but it is off the end of the dock! Zoomed in on a lily pad with a snail and a teeny fly on the snail! Yep. Too much time on my hands today. 😉 I suppose I could have made you guess! The second photo…ok that’s for you to figure out!
@artist01 ~ It’s been a while! I hope you’re doing ok! You’re missed. 😘


Hi all,
Today's member spotlight features a fellow photographer and contributor to this group. Read Lori's interview with fellow member Rosemary to find out why she likes to be Mayo-naised and the quote and life motto that guide her moral compass and motivation for helping others.

– I’ll take an order of Hope with a side of Mayo, please! - Meet @loribmt https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/about-connect/newsfeed-post/ill-take-an-order-of-hope-with-a-side-of-mayo-please/

Check out all the Member Spotlights here https://connect.mayoclinic.org/page/about-connect/tab/newsfeed/


@artist01 @ess77 @jakedduck1 and all the window watchers! Not a photo from my picture window but it is off the end of the dock! Zoomed in on a lily pad with a snail and a teeny fly on the snail! Yep. Too much time on my hands today. 😉 I suppose I could have made you guess! The second photo…ok that’s for you to figure out!
@artist01 ~ It’s been a while! I hope you’re doing ok! You’re missed. 😘

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It looks like a spider wearing shoes.
Hope I never see a psychiatrist who does the Rorschach inkblot teste on me? I'll be put away for sure!


I did my good deed today while using a weed trimmer around my daylilies. I noticed this tiny critter hopping in front of the weed trimmer trying to get away so turned it off and set it down. Then I nudged the little guy to safety before finishing the yardwork. So feeling rather good after having a bland salad for lunch, I asked the wife if she would like to ride with me to the Chocolate Shoppe downtown for an ice cream cone - yummy, double scoop waffle cone for me with pistachio nut on the top and fresh strawberry on the bottom. And, being you're at the Chocolate Shoppe already, you can't go home without another treat for later. Smore's are my wife's favorite and dark chocolate toffee bars are my weakness. Now back to dieting 😁


I did my good deed today while using a weed trimmer around my daylilies. I noticed this tiny critter hopping in front of the weed trimmer trying to get away so turned it off and set it down. Then I nudged the little guy to safety before finishing the yardwork. So feeling rather good after having a bland salad for lunch, I asked the wife if she would like to ride with me to the Chocolate Shoppe downtown for an ice cream cone - yummy, double scoop waffle cone for me with pistachio nut on the top and fresh strawberry on the bottom. And, being you're at the Chocolate Shoppe already, you can't go home without another treat for later. Smore's are my wife's favorite and dark chocolate toffee bars are my weakness. Now back to dieting 😁

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You can have the frog John, I'll take the goodies!! You only got a couple of things? What willpower, or maybe your going back later this afternoon or tomorrow for sure.
Pistachio is one of my favorites, but what isn't. Pistachio pudding is good too but so are pistachio cookies, fudge, cake, & pie. I haven’t run into pistachio anything I didn’t like.
Oh mercy gracious me those look so delicious. Doesn't a pistachio cream pie sound good right about now?


You can have the frog John, I'll take the goodies!! You only got a couple of things? What willpower, or maybe your going back later this afternoon or tomorrow for sure.
Pistachio is one of my favorites, but what isn't. Pistachio pudding is good too but so are pistachio cookies, fudge, cake, & pie. I haven’t run into pistachio anything I didn’t like.
Oh mercy gracious me those look so delicious. Doesn't a pistachio cream pie sound good right about now?

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Have to admit Jake, I do get down to the Chocolate Shoppe quite often but mostly for my wife 😁. They were making pecan turtles when we stopped and got an ice cream at lunch time. We are just lucky that we have such a great store in our small town - https://chocolateshoppe.co/story


I heard something slam up against the window yesterday and looked to see a small woodpecker hanging on the retaining wall next to the window a few feet away. The little one stayed attached to the wall for almost 5 minutes.

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