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Miralax not working

Digestive Health | Last Active: Sep 17, 2021 | Replies (74)

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Hi there. I really hope this can help you, as I know how horrible it is to be so constipated for days and then to go to explosive (and often unexpected) diarrhea. Not to mention impaction and enemas are just horrible. So, let's get into your questions. Our new GI was really a blessing. For the prunelax, you can start with one a day (morning or nighttime, whichever works better for you). If that doesn't work, you can go to prunelax twice a day in addition to the miralax. The magnesium gummies he takes is in the form of citrate and that's the one that works. That is also the form of liquid magnesium that I spoke about that you can buy at Walmart, Fry's, Walgreens, etc. If he didn't have a bowel movement before bed or if he missed a day in the beginning of the new regimen of meds, I would use 1/2 a bottle of magnesium citrate (it comes unflavored and flavored) and wait a half hour. If he didn't have a BM, I would give him the rest of the bottle and he always was able to go. As far as the gummies, I use that form because my son has cerebral palsy and autism and cannot swallow pills so the gummy was the easiest option. Tablet or capsule I'm sure is fine..just make sure it has at least 165mg of magnesium citrate, not the oxide. We started with one prunelax daily, one magnesium citrate gummy, and the miralax. He takes the gummy in the am and the prunelax and miralax at night and typically has 1-2 BM's a day. I went down to 4x a week because one prunelax daily was too much for him...and that's saying ALOT!! We use the prunelax minitabs...they have the regular size ones but I'm not sure if they are the same. The minitab is really small so it's just easier for us. I order the prunelax minitabs from Amazon as well as the miralax because it's so much less expensive. I get the magnesium citrate gummies and liquid form at Walmart. Really hope this helps for you. For 2 decades we struggled with constipation and impaction and nothing worked. Our new GI put him on this regimen and he has been able to use the restroom daily for 3 years now!

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Replies to "Hi there. I really hope this can help you, as I know how horrible it is..."

God bless you. I have tears in my eyes and I'm not ashamed to tell you so. I am almost 70 years old (female) and have dealt with this all my life. I am in good health otherwise. Thank you SO much for taking the time to answer me. I feel hope. Give your son a hug from me and tell him I wish him all the best. I feel from your post that you have been through so much and it is wonderful to hear you found something that made his life better. I am grateful. My name is Jacque (Jackie). I was concerned that I had lost your initial message but I found it this morning and now you were so gracious to respond so quickly. Thank you!