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Thanks, @hopeful33250 I just saved the video to my Youtube library and will give it a try. I have trouble doing exercises that are not cardio! I feel like when I'm exercising I have to be burning calories and increasing my heart rate, which this type of exercise really does not do but I realize they do have other value.

I have been trying to push myself to do a posture one recently which is similar in that it does not burn many calories. I generally exercise about an hour a day and during that time I have to meet a calorie goal but I guess when I do this type of lower energy exercise I need to accept that I will have to exercise for longer. I really want to get back to my health club and when I do I plan to do Pilates reformer if I can. My lack of flex in my knees does present a problem often.

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Replies to "Thanks, @hopeful33250 I just saved the video to my Youtube library and will give it a..."

Hi @contentandwell,

I understand the frustration of non-aerobic exercise. If you are used to aerobic this kind of movement doesn't seem to be "real exercise." I certainly get that. However, the stretching and the movements are excellent for balance (keeping us from falling) and also excellent for strengthening.

As we age, we do need different things. It is important not to expect perfection from each type of exercise. I can't do all of the exercises because of knee or back issues, but if I have discomfort from some exercise I just wait until it's over and then do the next part of the video.

Would that work for you?