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Sharon S. Makes sense to contact your doctor, I think. Injuries can bring on flares, so maybe that's what happened. He may tell you to increase the prednisone for a bit to see if it helps. It's amazing how the pain just goes with the prednisone and we're able to do things. I hope your back gets better soon. I'm also wondering if any accommodations or modifications are possible for people with sensitive backs to get dexascans. TSC

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Replies to "Sharon S. Makes sense to contact your doctor, I think. Injuries can bring on flares, so..."

Thanks TSC. I think there definitely needs to be a rubber pad or something on the Dexacan machine. It was awful. Next day tho I was not any worse for it. Just that afternoon and evening was challenging. I am sure the 10 mg wears off by 6 PM after 12 hours so the evening is not as comfortable but not as bad as before the steroids. I talk with my doctor on telemedicine Tuesday Am. Also, someone here gave me a grate link about diabetes and PMR and steroids and intermittent fasting. A video by an MD. It was actually quite good and I began the 16:8 plan since waiting till about 11;30 AM to eat helps as the sugars rise alot even without any food! So this mitigates it some. And, by 6 PM the affect of the steroid on the sugars is MUCH less. Still requiring short acting insulin to cover carbs...so, this MAy work. And, I cut my carbs to between 57-75. I think it will work. We will see. Thanks for the good suggestions. Best, Sharon