Hello @jojo123456! I'm grateful you shared your experience at Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center, thank you! It's nice to hear when someone benefits from a healthier way of dealing with, and living in chronic pain.
You hit the nail on the head that opiates, and other medications, are scientifically known to increase and intensify pain causing hyperalgesia. I experienced the vicious cycle as I took may different medications in search of, as you say, the "magic pill".
It's a sad reality being stuck in the cycle of wanting to be fixed or helped, and trying anything and everything possible. It's extremely difficult to see your way out to a better opportunity.
Congratulations on being a PRC graduate! Such a huge accomplishment. May I ask when you graduated, and what part of the program has made the biggest, most positive impact on your new "C Life"?
I think it was the fall of 2017. . .