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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 21 hours ago | Replies (2464)

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I believe that we are meant to have fun in this world. Very simple recyclable fun. My husband paints very crude birds, so we have painted birds in some of our trees. Up close...not so much ... but from a distance they are very cool. So we are probably the only people in Maine with parrots in our trees, a bed fence, and some birds even nest and fly among our plants on tall, almost invisible stakes. its just fun. We are not the crazies in the neighborhood. It just looks playful. and colorful. Not overdone. It makes me smile. At one point we considered taking down our bed fence because I saw some amazing bicycle fences on the internet (google bicycle fences), and my neighbors begged us to not take down our bed fence. They are sort of a landmark in our little town. We live on a main road and tourists stop and ask if they can walk through our gardens, and of course we allow it. I also had a Little Free Library but Covid ended that. Children and adults came and took free books. I saw a man who built chicken coops, and I bought one (they delivered it). My dear hubby painted it (Little Lulu and Tubby are on the door fronts), and we stocked it with free books and Goodwill finds. Even at our sickest we tried to keep things going. The gardens got over run, but now that I'm feeling much better I roll myself down to the garden, and together we tried this summer to refurbish them, and they are looking pretty good. I'll keep going as long as I have a breath left, and so will he. We have to create. It's in our blood. So we do funky, fun product. Not everything at once, because then we would be crazy, but we choose what to do each year. One year we had a "Pot Head" couple sitting out front in lawn chairs. They had flower pot heads. She had petunias for hair and he donned curly Garlic. She wore a floral dress and he wore farmer jeans). Both had clod hopper shoes. We store things in our barn or give them away when we're done with them. We live in an old farmhouse with attached buildings typical to Maine. We have the house, connected to the porch connected to the woodshed and outhouse...a three seater (not used) connected to a barn. It's freezing cold out in that barn in the winter. But that's how farmers continued to work in the winter in cold climates. So we refused to let these illness get us down. We try to create something most days. When I was at my sickest I did designs in my head. Most days in spring, summer and fall he's in the barn, and we do projects together. I design and he carries out the project. We are novices, but together we have fun. In the winter he paints birds, outrageous woodpeckers, and crows that we give to friends, and family, and I do needle and thread projects, that I give to same. My eyes are failing, so I use magnification when necessary, and we're Both a bit hunched over. Too funny. Our kids just shake their heads and roll their eyes and smile, but they don't try to stop us. Way too funny. We would put up a fight. ha ha, but we do truly enjoy life. I think they are secretly glad that we stay out of their hair.

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Replies to "I believe that we are meant to have fun in this world. Very simple recyclable fun...."

@lizzier I love this post. It is the perfect example of what makes me smile and what gives me encouragement as the battles continue. I think your kids and our kids would have a really fun time if they had chance to meet and exchange stories.
Carry on! Nancy