What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

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– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
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My Mrs. Cavanaugh’s candy came and I enjoyed the brown sugar fudge Immensely!!!
I have a pound of mixed that I froze & a variety of candy bars but I didn’t see the candy bars you mentioned on their website. Guess you’ll have to send me some. I have my next order all ready to go. Won’t be any shipping charge with my next order since I got a little bit carried away but who doesn’t when they’re ordering candy. I couldn’t make up my mind on what to get, thank goodness.


Hi Teresa,
I only ate the brown sugar fudge so far. I cut a small piece but I soon devoured all of it if that tells you anything. They call their brown sugar candy penoche.
All this healthy food put a few pounds on me so I’m cutting back even on the essentials except yesterday. I went to my friends 101st birthday party and had more than my share of See’s candy and birthday cake. Since there wasn’t any ice cream I figured I was entitled to a second helping of cake.

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Mmmm...penoche! My grandma made the best, flavored with a choice of maple syrup or real vanilla. Then she would dip the top in chocolate and put a half a pecan on top. I never can get mine to taste like hers even using her recipe.
Good thing I just had dessert


@jakedduck1 , loribmt Hey Jake! Picking on me and @loribmt again? 😆 I love the new handles you've given us, Jabber1 and Jabber2. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that your new handle could be Jabber3! 😆 🤣 😂
Anyway, Jake, I'd love to come and live with you! Alas, my travel days are over, as are my days of cooking, cleaning and all those other menial daily chores. And your diet of candy and cookies would likely mean certain doomsday for me. But I'm still planning on attending our mutual birthday party in 2040!!! Hugs,

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“cleaning and all those other menial daily chores”

Such language from a lady! Besides I believe what Phyllis Diller has to say about housework.” “Housework won’t kill you but why take a chance.” and Joan Rivers, “Why bother cleaning the house, in 6 months you have to do it all over again.”

“your diet of candy and cookies would likely mean certain doomsday for me.”

Your assuming I was planning on sharing my most prized possessions or were you going to be sneaky and heist some goodies when I wasn’t
👀 looking👀
It would be hard to have so much good stuff around and know your not supposed to eat it.
Hey Laurie, my phone says I walked over 13 miles the other day. I walk 6000 steps I’m not sure how it arrived at 13 miles. I think it should be around 2.5 miles or thereabouts.


Mmmm...penoche! My grandma made the best, flavored with a choice of maple syrup or real vanilla. Then she would dip the top in chocolate and put a half a pecan on top. I never can get mine to taste like hers even using her recipe.
Good thing I just had dessert

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I bet yours is every bit as good as your Grandma’s. Everyone always seems to say that theres isn’t as good. Seems everybody is critical of their own cooking.
Come to my house for dinner sometime then you’ll have something to complain about, provided you live through the experience!!!
I have no doubt yours is scrumptious beyond belief and I bet no one else ever said it wasn’t as good as your Grandma’s. Am I right???


Mmmm...penoche! My grandma made the best, flavored with a choice of maple syrup or real vanilla. Then she would dip the top in chocolate and put a half a pecan on top. I never can get mine to taste like hers even using her recipe.
Good thing I just had dessert

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Ohhh Penoche! My mom and grandmum used to make it too. And a Raisin Tea cake with Penoche frosting! You and Jake just bought back a flood fo delicious memories!! Yum


Jeez Almighty you and Laurie @artist01 sure are talkative. I guess you got a lot of practice in with all that gossiping you ladies are famous for.
I think you two should change your usernames to jabber1 & jabber2.
I agree with you completely about “a sense of adventure and a sense of humor!” it sure beats worrying, anxiety & depression. Be willing to joke & laugh at yourself. Someone mentioned when I was making fun of myself that I shouldn’t and I had low self esteem or confidence. Where confidence isn’t spilling out self esteem is, maybe too much?
Laurie, are you going somewhere? Come live with me. I need a cook or at least someone to remind me I’m trying to cook something. Good thing my fire alarm sensors are hard wired in or I’d be changing batteries once a week. When they go off thats how I know my food is ready unless the smoke fills the house first. Speaking of food, guess I should go see what there is to burn.
You two jabber jaws take care,

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Ah Jake, there’s that comic relief so desperately needed. I promised to stay out of mischief this week so no one needed to raise bail money for me. So I’m not going to respond to your jibberjab about gossiping ladies.

Jabber 1, Jabber 2 and jabber jaws sounds like a cross between Dr Seuss characters and Alice Through the Looking Glass with the Jabberwoky. LOL.

Heading over to the candy comment now…


Ohhh Penoche! My mom and grandmum used to make it too. And a Raisin Tea cake with Penoche frosting! You and Jake just bought back a flood fo delicious memories!! Yum

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I still put panache frosting on spice cake!


I bet yours is every bit as good as your Grandma’s. Everyone always seems to say that theres isn’t as good. Seems everybody is critical of their own cooking.
Come to my house for dinner sometime then you’ll have something to complain about, provided you live through the experience!!!
I have no doubt yours is scrumptious beyond belief and I bet no one else ever said it wasn’t as good as your Grandma’s. Am I right???

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Oh no, my cousins say Grandma's was better!


I still put panache frosting on spice cake!

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That sounds heavenly.


How cute!!!
Looks like s/he is dreaming of a goodie.
Once I was visiting my friend and her doggies. I’m always open to a goodie or a snack and so I started munching on something on the table that turned out to be dog treats. They were pretty good actually.
Pet Poppy for me, please.


Hi @artist01, @ess77 @lioness @jakedduck1 and everyone! Looky who was peeking inside my kitchen door this morning! Aww little Bambi. She was also helping herself to the breakfast buffet of hostas and stargazer lilies! Her mom was sniffing the silk flowers in the window boxes!

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oh, what time is the barbecue?

Okay calm down don’t get your tails in a knot I couldn’t kill a deer or anything else.

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