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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (2464)

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@artist01 Good morning, Laurie! Somehow I didn’t see this message yesterday! Thank you, yes there were some happy dances. If I could still do cartwheels without irreparable damage, I’d be flopping around all over! Not that we were expecting anything untoward but until the biopsy and blood results come back of course there’s always that bit of anxiety. Mostly for my poor husband. Not sure how, but over the years I’ve developed incredibly good coping skills and, for better or worse, tend to compartmentalize everything. That way I only allow myself concern over what is happening that needs immediate attention. Maybe it’s more like being an ostrich with my head in the sand. Either way, it works and I sleep like a log nightly. LOL
Back to you, little lady! Sigh… Well, gosh, I love your attitude too! You are able to roll with the punches and I’m so proud of you for that. Always looking on life as one adventure after another keeps us sharp and more adaptable I think. I always joke about my bone marrow transplant and what is required…a sense of adventure and a sense of humor!

Will you be in that meeting on Tuesday when all these decisions about YOU are being considered? I’m not too worried because it does sound as though you are getting incredibly personalized care and you have your family to support and step in if there’s anything NOT in your best interest. Wherever you go, I know you’ll be the bright spot and will help lift the spirits of everyone around you. It just has to be so hard for you these next few days not knowing where, what…but in the meantime you’re in a safe environment and receiving the special attention you deserve. I hope that you are finally getting some relief to get healthy from your other symptoms.

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Replies to "@artist01 Good morning, Laurie! Somehow I didn’t see this message yesterday! Thank you, yes there were..."

Living focused. Living well in the moment. Dealing with each situation, with all your thought processes. Works wonders to ease the anxiety, accomplish what needs to be done in a prompt, easier way. It's been a long time coming/learning this way of thinking. But, I am thankful for the lessons, for now having the ability to live today, now, remember yesterday sometimes, and not.....I say NOT...worry about tomorrow. God has control of my life. I am safe. I trust Him. I trust He got me to Mayo at the right time, to the right docs, to the best treatment. Now, I trust He will open their eyes and minds and I will be fine, whatever that is. Knowing I'm safe in His arms and in the doctors care gives me great strength to sleep restfully and wake up ready. Lori, @loribmt, you have this knowledge and peace.

Doesn't solve the issues or make plans or reno my condo, but does help with having peace that I am ok.

Each of you add to that comfort. My largest issue is the lack of family support. Rob and I must think and listen and make the decisions. But, we are putting together a circle of good support. That's a good thing. But, decisions for future are tough. No matter what help one may have.

A high school friend emailed me yesterday about a child she teaches music and his health challenges. My goodness. I'm so blessed. And, she is a special angel who just pops in and out of my life and gives me love and support and prayer from all her friends. Wow! pretty good, eh? My personal angel.

I've been keeping up with you all last few days, but taking it easy as I accept where I am now. Laurie, @artist01, you 'indeed have the wonderful smile from deep inside your heart that makes it all happen. Bless you as you deal with this mess and you will and are getting good help. Love it!

I'm afraid my patio feeder friends are somewhat on their own for the moment. I've ck'd them out, watched a bit, refilled some but that's about all. activity has slowed for the moment. But, as I put sunflower seeds and a new feeder and baffle....oh, just put out a bronze iron birdbath, with cranes holding the bath, and will add a water wiggler in couple of days for the birds and to fight the mosquitos and flies!!!!! Whey aren't they a good lunch for the woodpecker and other insect eaters?? I get eaten alive within seconds of stepping out the patio doors. and, with bad reactions to the bites! Off spray is handy....That's part of Florida living and heavy rains and water for animals.

Sue @sueinmn, I've so enjoyed your recent posts. Pics, and descriptions of family and flowers and furry friends....@johnbishiop, I think your last pics were fabulous. Thanks for the share. I'm ignoring the bird disease, fussing inside about it and feeding my friends. Don't think Fl is yet involved. All this nonsence must stop....covid, bird disease, fires, floods, and so on and on. I'm not thinking about it as I can't solve any of it. I'm focusing on my small little bubble on this earth.

God bless you all and be well. Be at peace. Smile from deep inside your soul.

Jeez Almighty you and Laurie @artist01 sure are talkative. I guess you got a lot of practice in with all that gossiping you ladies are famous for.
I think you two should change your usernames to jabber1 & jabber2.
I agree with you completely about “a sense of adventure and a sense of humor!” it sure beats worrying, anxiety & depression. Be willing to joke & laugh at yourself. Someone mentioned when I was making fun of myself that I shouldn’t and I had low self esteem or confidence. Where confidence isn’t spilling out self esteem is, maybe too much?
Laurie, are you going somewhere? Come live with me. I need a cook or at least someone to remind me I’m trying to cook something. Good thing my fire alarm sensors are hard wired in or I’d be changing batteries once a week. When they go off thats how I know my food is ready unless the smoke fills the house first. Speaking of food, guess I should go see what there is to burn.
You two jabber jaws take care,

@loribmt. And everyone. Lori, thankyou very much for your uplifting message. And I love your photo of the beautiful little Bambi. Such a precious little creature.
I'm having one of my worse kinda' bad days again today. Totally blacked out and hit the floor...again! They just did a second blood test to see if it was related to another heart attack. Sure hope it's not that.
Anyway, Tuesday is closer, to hear what the next !%#@&! blankety blank adventure will be! 🤣 😆 🤣 Onward and upward!!!