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I was blessed to have been able to use my own stemcells.

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Replies to "I was blessed to have been able to use my own stemcells."

@justnate Oh you were fortunate to be able to use your own cells. It makes the transplant so much gentler on the system and you don’t have the issues of graft vs host because they are not foreign to your immune system. I’m so happy everything went well for you and that you’re in remission!

It’s interesting that your kappa free light chain was elevated after the vaccine. How frequently do you have blood work done? Has it changed since the first elevated reading?
I had some elevated readings in a blood panel within 2 weeks after my second vaccine as well. (not KFLC) After talking with my transplant doctor, he was not concerned at all and related it to my immune system responding. He was right, the numbers all returned to normal within 2 weeks.
We’re just so attuned to our bodies after all we’ve gone through to become ‘normal’ any fluctuations have us raising eyebrows! When is your doctor’s appointment? It will be interesting to hear what they had to say.