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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 15 hours ago | Replies (2464)

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@ess77 You’re remarkable…you and Laurie, @artist01 Both of you dear ladies have plates full of trouble and yet you think about all of us in Connect too! We’re all pretty blessed to have you too!
Thank you for the good wishes. I’m fine. The visit to Mayo was for the 2nd re-birth day of my bone marrow transplant. Had a bone marrow biopsy to make sure I’m still 100 %donor DNA and zero %me! We don’t want any of my old cells remaining. They were a troubled lot. Haha.
A zillion vials of blood to check everything! And for the 1st time in 2.5 years all but one number is right down the middle! Happy dance!!
But with that comes a new reduction in my meds which is where I derailed 1.5 years ago so it’s with trepidation that I start a taper off an immunosuppressant.
I will be ecstatic if all goes well because then I can also halt all the antibiotics(penicillin and bactrim), anti fungal, antiviral and 3 other meds. Also had 6 more vaccines today, bringing me to a grand total of 25 vaccinations since last October! I’m almost an adult!! Giggle…only one more series to go in a couple months!! Whoot! I am wiped out though. Side effects from yesterday which is rare! Had to postpone the shots until this morning at 8. The nurse who was to give me the vaccinations took one look at me and said, “Honey there is no way we’re doing this today…” and handed me an emesis bucket!! Cuz I was in a tailspin this time from the anesthesia of the procedure in the appointment before hers. When I’d gone to the clinic in the morning, I literally sprinted up the stairs. When I returned 3 hours later, I was in a wheel chair riding like a queen! Hahah Good thing my husband is still Mr Buff and can push that wheelchair with me in it!! He truly has been my rock through the past 2.5 years of illness and recovery…and the 47 years we’ve been married.

I was feeling so relieved and excited for you and Rob…and then gosh, not again!! But you know, Elizabeth he now has had some good moments and maybe they will grow in numbers with the steady care both you and he are getting. I know you’re able to cope so well with setbacks and moving forward again. But it gets exhausting and takes a toll.
I read about your diagnosis and I so hope the new treatment helps you without side effects.
Mm I also love iced green tea. Been treating myself to Matcha tea and also, a blend of lavender and blueberry iced!! It’s so refreshing and relaxing!

Ok I’m going to post a couple of photos of Mayo Rochester for those not familiar with the campus. It’s so beautiful.
Me, 2 years ago wandering the empty foyers at night. It was a victory lap as I pushed my wheelchair back to the clinic with my husband and ran up the flight of stairs by the Chihuly glass ‘singing’ the theme from Rocky
The maintenance guy was laughing with us! Pretty cool.

There is a foyer with Chihuly glasswork suspended from the ceiling. The halls are marble and so gorgeous. It’s my home away from home.

A pic of the Subway that connects most of the hotels and other businesses to the Clinic.

The garden in front of Mayo with statues of the Mayo Brothers.

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Replies to "@ess77 You’re remarkable…you and Laurie, @artist01 Both of you dear ladies have plates full of trouble..."

Thanks for the images. The atrium is so spectacular.........especially when you hear the piano in the background.

Great pictures Lori, I recognized the Chihuly sculptures- we seek them out when we travel, and it's beginning to look like we'll miss the gallery in Washington state this year because of the fires.
I'm glad to hear your numbers were great. Fingers crossed that the medication adjustments work this time!

@loribmt. Hey Lori! So happy to read your joyous post with all those super numbers!! Happy dances all 'round. Yaaay! You are so brave to have gone through all that you have, and glory be, to have that wonderful man at your side ( or behind your wheelchair) for all those years. You deserve no less. He's a lucky man.
I'm still in the hospital, recovering from my Myocardial Ischemic Heart Attack. My numbers aren't yet behaving as well as yours yet. Plus my IBS, my GCA, etc. Good care here though, and the nurses and staff are wonderful. My "team" have scheduled a big meeting for Tuesday a.m. to plan what in the world to do with me, where to put me, etc. I'm feeling somewhat like a homeless person just now, but I also look upon it as an adventure to be lived through with great interest and curiosity. My family are wonderfully supportive and caring. Hugs. Laur