← Return to VAERS reporting of symptoms after COVID-19 vaccine

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Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences.
However, the Pfizer vaccine did a number on my system and 3 months later, I am still not well…currently I’m awaiting test results from a Spinal Tap. I had a very moderate case of Covid in Jan ‘21 and after waiting 3 months, along with doctor discussions, my Pulmonologist suggested I would be ok to receive it. 69 hours later, I spent an entire weekend in the hospital with stroke-like symptoms. They finally diagnosed it as Vestibular Neuritis with severe vertigo. While the vertigo seemed to subside, 4 weeks later I was back in the hospital because of severe neurological symptoms. I was losing fine motor skills in my left hand, my left arm and leg can go numb from time to time, I have several migraines and headaches are almost daily, my speech has become impaired, I can’t sleep, along with a host of other daily symptoms. Since the first hospital stay, I have kept a daily record of my symptoms. My brain is mush (when I could remember things pretty well). My cognitive skills have declined drastically in the last 6 months. 4 doctors later, 3 CT scans, 3 MRIs, 2 weekend stays in the hospital and now a spinal tap, no one seems to know what is wrong other than to “suggest” Post Covid Syndrome. My neurologist has seen me twice now and is referring me to Duke because my MRIs have come back clear.

I’m a 37 year old wife and mom of 2 teens who I could keep up with. I was a grad student and now, it’s hard to get out of bed some days. Though, I push myself out everyday and make sure to give it my all as much as I can. I am very scared to even think about getting the 2nd dose and one of my doctors even suggested I may not need to. I do plan to report to VAERS, it’s just a matter of getting the energy long enough to do so.

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Replies to "Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences. However, the Pfizer vaccine did a number on my..."

Hello @lisavc and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Both you and another new member @christykc101 have recently shared your experience with vertigo and vertigo symptoms post-vaccine so wanted to connect the pair of you on that note.

I am sure this has been more than scary for you and you mention questioning the second dose. For that reason, I did want to share some resources reporting the second vaccine may actually provide relief to those experiencing long-haul symptoms and/or flare up ups from the first vaccine.

- Mysterious Ailment, Mysterious Relief: Vaccines Help Some COVID Long-Haulers

- Long-Haul COVID Symptoms? Getting Vaccine Won't Make You Feel Worse, Study Finds

I realize this is an incredibly personal decision so I am simply sharing this aspect in the event that you haven't seen/read much about it, as I have found it to be both promising and interesting.

Have you heard about this?

You can get financial help from the government. you need to file VAERS before 1 year after the vaccine and also go to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program website. You need to do this well before the year deadline.