← Return to VAERS reporting of symptoms after COVID-19 vaccine

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I received first Moderna vaccine on March 17, 2021. I experienced two hot and red spots on the same arm, plus extensive muscle pain in that arm.
I received second Moderna vaccine on April 20, 2021. My stomach broke out in scabby lesions, my vision was affected enough to bring me to my Optometrist who prescribed new glasses.
Further, I was diagnosed with vertigo by practitioner at Mayo practice in Dexter, ME.
Since that time, on my body "trunk" I have MANY tiny bumps that when I scratch, it produces a slight amount of blood.
This has occurred on my forehead slightly.
I developed bacterial Conjunctivitis which brought me back to the Optometrist twice. This condition has lasted for at least three weeks.

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Replies to "I received first Moderna vaccine on March 17, 2021. I experienced two hot and red spots..."

Hello @christykc101 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You certainly have experienced a great deal.

Had you ever had vertigo symptoms prior to your vaccines or was this brand new? Also, wondering if you've seen a dermatologist with regard to your rashes? If so, what did they tell they you?

Hi @christykc101 I am sorry for your medical issues but thank you for sharing your experiences. A friend of mine had decided to get vaccinated about the same time for both injections although I don’t know which vaccine she received. I was supportive and called her a couple weeks after to learn she was doing well. On another casual call a couple weeks later she again was doing great. I thought her health was not a concern by now. Almost a couple months after the last dose of the vaccine she mentioned she broke out into a rash after eating dinner. We passed it up to a food allergy which she never had before and didn’t think more of it. A couple weeks later she reports tinnitus in her ears and vertigo. She is now afraid of falling and refuses her daily walks. I recommended she sees her primary physician. After 3 visits of tests nothing was found including no previous covid infection. She has always had a low exposure risk due to staying home because of not driving. My friend now feels awful because her medical condition has limited her freedom to be able to do her ADLs( activities of daily living). As a result she has seen several specialists and now regrets getting the vaccine because no answers have been found thus far for her deterioration. She is very scared. I again thank you for the information. I will casually mention your experience and try to help her. I hope your condition has improved and you have found more answers. Have your symptoms decreased? I wish you well.

I'd also like to welcome you, @christykc101- I also had the Moderna Vaccines. They are not easy vaccines to have because they really get your immune system going. As you probably know it isn't the vaccine that creates side effects but your immune system's reaction to being kick-started. This kick start can also kick start hidden problems that had been dormant and maybe never giving you problems.

I've had conjunctivitis a few times growing up and as an adult. I also remember one summer a ton of people were getting it in my town. I live in a beach town and with the ocean swimming, it is passed on easily. It's painful, scratchy, and itchy, not very pleasant at all. I empathize with you seeing that the weather is very warm.


There have been several incidents with having eye problems after having covid or one of its variants. There have also been incidences of getting Covid after the vaccine or between the two doses.

What is your Optometrist saying about it?
Have you been tested for COVID recently?