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Helllooo everyone. I have been dealing with a PMR flare up for around 6 mos. It freaking hurts! I was NOT C-19 VACCINATED and not on any PMR medications. My mind was not in a very likable place at this point...not thinking clearly at all. My Rhum. Dr. said my blood markers were normal (recently) and that I don't have PMR....which I know is false, I know for a fact I have it. That Dr. is no longer my Dr....Fired !
Anyways, I was resisting the C-19 vaccine because of the long term unknowns, I didn't need anything else going wrong with my health, I have enough to deal with as it is now. I did some research on how the Vaccine was working out in testing groups and all that stuff, but never found the info that I was wanting to find. So I to put a theory together out of all the info that I did find. IF you haven't received your first dose yet and you are in a PMR flare up, I recommend you get the shot. After I got my first Moderna Vac. shot, within 2 days my PMR symptoms went down around 50% !

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Posting continued: Without the vaccine, the PMR is flaring up due to it is fighting off the virus. It needs help, so get the vaccine. So far(5 days into it) the Moderna is working out for me. I couldn't find ANY info saying that ANY Rhum. Drs. know this! I pretty much stumbled on to it.

John, I'm so grateful that you posted your experience of having a PMR flare due to fighting the COVID infection, your careful consideration about whether or not to get the vaccine, and then the bonus benefit that the mRNA vaccine actually reduces your PMR flare by 50%.

I have heard anecdotally about this happening to some other members here. I hope that you reported your experience to your rheumatologist so that it can be recorded.

BTW: I moved your messages to this existing discussion called "PMR and Corona Virus (COVID-19) vaccine" so that others talking about COVID-19, PMR and the vaccine can hear your story.

How are you doing today, John? What symptoms of your pre-vaccine PMR flare are you still dealing with?