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just saw a infectious disease doctor

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Aug 4, 2021 | Replies (21)

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How bad is your fatigue? Several of us here have very mild bronchiectasis/MAC, and have never done the 3-antibiotic treatment. Our “treatment” consists of nebulizing 7% saline 1-2x/day and, for some, taking 600-1200 mg NAC/day (N-acetyl cysteine) and/or other supplements and/or using Aerobika or Acapella. (It’s been harder to get NAC recently. It had been an over the-counter supplement.) What eventually led to the diagnosis of bronchiectasis and MAC (after about 1 ½ yrs) was that I coughed up about 2-3 TBS blood while lap swimming in 2017. The blood scared me, so I went to the ER, and they did a CT scan. My only other symptom is that I cough up minor mucus/sputum in the mornings. I exercise/walk 2-3 miles daily (more slowly than I used to...).

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Replies to "How bad is your fatigue? Several of us here have very mild bronchiectasis/MAC, and have never..."

I like that you walk so much and use to swim. I also walk daily 2miles and do yoga and some jumping type exercise. I do have fatigue but I can handle it. I walk up 7 flights of stairs several times a day where I use to be able to bound the stairs. Thinking its a combo of my MAC and being 77years of age. So twice a day I nebulize with budesonide-.5 milligrams
and sodium chloride 3%-. I do cough up mucus/sputum after yoga inversion poses. The 7% saline sounds great and Im looking into it.
Thank you.