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MAC: Just how well do nebs work, anyway?

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Feb 8 7:34pm | Replies (90)

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Yes, I had a bad case right before COVID started and was put on 10 days of cipro which helped and did not appear in cultures again til last week. So ID md has put me back on same for 10 days. 4 days in, feeling better. The 3%saline nebs, done faithfully throughout This past year and a half didn’t touch it. June exacerbation was probably all about the pseudomonas, but too tired to think straight. Learning as I go.

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Replies to "Yes, I had a bad case right before COVID started and was put on 10 days..."

That's the way of it with bronchiectasis - just when you think you have one thing beat, up pops another.
Hope you're beginning to feel better. Cipro neve touched my pseudomonas, levaquin might have done a little. It took 2 rounds of tobramycin to knock it out in 2018.

Hello @crepass. A short round of antibiotics for those with bronchiectatsis is usually not a good solution. If that is your condition, it is ongoing and usually progressive. Because of this, opportunistic organisms will always be a threat. My dr at Mayo had me on the cipro for 10 days every other month indefinitely. The organisms we catch are tough and short rounds of antibiotics don't cut it. I tested negative for mac after one year on that regimen. I have not had not tested positive for mac since 2014. I did, however catch pseudomonas in 2016, and it was knocked out in a month after nebbing tobramycin. I was kept on that med for three more yrs. because these 'bugs' we catch can appear to be gone, but in fact were only knocked down to an undetectable level. Then, they rear back.