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Cervical spine x-ray (1/29/2021)

Spine Health | Last Active: Jul 8, 2021 | Replies (5)

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Thank you for your reply. I am looking for any guidance at all for my husband. Since this is my first post, I did not realize that it would time out and not let me edit my post if I took too long to type. Since I cannot edit my post above and add the text where it belongs, I will add it here.

Thank you in advance to anyone who is able to offer any guidance for my husband.

My husband is 6'5", and almost 55 years old. He has been a very healthy and athletic person who jogs, and he likes to cycle around 10-20 miles at a time. This past January, he started having problems with his neck, and the problems are not getting better. He is in extreme pain (an 8 out of 10), and has been since January. He has been told by many medical professionals during his lifetime that he has an extremely high pain tolerance.

Symptoms (remained steady since January 2021):
Electrical shock sensation on right arm and hand going through mostly the index and middle finger and also the ring finger. Shock sensation starts at back of neck and continues down the outside part of upper arm (lateral?), and then once crossing the elbow, the shock sensation extends/moves to the top of the arm and goes all the way down the arm until it gradually reaches finger tips. The 3 fingers experience mostly stinging that turns into numbness.

His treatment so far:
-saw 4 different doctors (starting with PCP).
-tried 2 epidurals (didn't work) by the same Physiatrist. Hubby is now thinking that the two epidurals didn't work because the physiatrist placed the epidurals in the C5 region because he said he had a herniated C5. (Hubby thinks the herniated disc is not located at C5 - according to the surgeon he saw this week).
-given oral steroids a while back. At this point he can't remember if that helped or not...
-goes to physical therapy which does seem to help only a little.

Recent Recommendations:
-My husband saw a new doctor/surgeon this week who was highly recommended (not sure if we are allowed to mention doctor names here). The surgeon told him he would suggest either a C6-7 ACD+F with C6-7 (fusion) or a C6 Corpectomy C5->C7 Fusion with titanium cage and plate. When he asked my husband how long he has had these symptoms, he told my husband that after 6 months, the nerves may suffer permanent damage.

My husband is disheartened. He has been in an extreme amount of pain (8 out of 10). He tried pain killers, but they do nothing for his pain. 🙁

Not sure what to do for next steps. We would like the most conservative approach, but certainly don't want to risk him being permanently disabled. Any suggestions? He has had a couple of surgeries in the past 5 years, and they both had terrible outcomes (not related to his spine at all). It's very important to us that we choose wisely this time. Looking for any kind of guidance.

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Replies to "Thank you for your reply. I am looking for any guidance at all for my husband...."

Good evening, I am so sorry that your "hubby" is struggling and very glad that @jennifehunter is responding. She has tremendous experience and the appropriate education to be able to help you. Then what am I doing you may wonder. I am slipping in here because of your reporting of the pain and shock/numbness sensations down his arm hand and fingers. That struck a familiar chord with me because they are exactly the same symptoms that I had for quite some time. The pain and pins and needle sensation plus the numbness used to wake me up in the middle of the night. I felt so frightened and alone. I would sit on the side of the bed and cry....just to myself.

The first thing I did was go back to the surgeon who performed a reverse shoulder replacement on the same side. He is an amazing surgeon and a compassionate human being who always puts his patients first. He quickly told me that my situation was not a result of the surgery he performed. Rather, it was in my neck or cervical spine. Immediately, he consulted with a colleague who had recently performed surgery on his spine. Together they consulted and decided that I needed surgery just as soon as possible for the same reasons you mentioned.

I have also attached an image of my neck with the titanium cages. And now the good news. This was the correct decision. I have no discomfort and for any tightness, I do Yoga and lie with my neck in a cervical collar Because of my other neuropathy issues, I have Myofascial Release (MFR) sessions twice a week. The therapist always checks on my neck.

The most difficult situation was wearing a neck brace every day and night for 3 months. I wore it 7/24 and only took it off to wash my hair. According to the surgeon, that is the amount of time you need to wear it if you want the fusion to be strong and protective. O.K., I will admit, one night I took it off and threw it across the room. Then I came to my senses and replaced the darn thing.

I don't know if your husband would benefit from this surgery or a similar strategy. Jennifer can surely let you know if it sounds like a possibility.

And about the editing. options. This is a new site and we are identifying and scheduling additional work that needs to be done. I will send a message about your editing request.

May you and your hubby be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.