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Thumb Pain

Bones, Joints & Muscles | Last Active: Jul 4, 2021 | Replies (20)

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So, I just came back from the local lake, where I was chatting with a woman who had rotator cuff surgery on Friday, and was struggling to adjust her sling (I've had a little practice with them...)
During our conversation, I manage to help her relocate the shoulder strap to a more comfortable spot without messing up the shoulder and arm positioning.
Then I asked "where is your ice?" And she told me she used it last night. Now, I'm on my soapbox - one of the BEST pain management tools is ICE, Ice, ice... as often and as long as you can. I pointed out my daughter down on the shore, giving her Dad a paddleboard lesson, in her cast and sling, and said - "at 6 weeks, she still ices at least 4 times a day - and her recovery is going wonderfully"
Are you still icing? If not, I will recommend it heartily. One year out from thumb surgery, I still ice when my hand swells from overuse. Also, are you managing daytime discomfort with Tylenol and Ibuprofen?
Good luck.

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Replies to "So, I just came back from the local lake, where I was chatting with a woman..."

Dear “no icers”. Sue is spot on. I have special knee icers and hand icers. Everyday they get used. I quite often get up about 5:30 and ice before I actually hit the floor running. (Fat chance of that!). I order extra gel packs for my knee icer so if it’s needed I will always have a second set ready to go.

My surgeon told me that they have the actual ice machines at the Ortho Clinic. I may just purchase my own. That “tool” was my go to for both shoulder and neck surgeries. I donated it to my PT when I thought that I would never need it again. (That was another joke on me.)

Do you have an ice schedule? What are the results so far?

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