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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 8 hours ago | Replies (2463)

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Hello, Lori. Love the lily pads. So nice to be missed. I just got out of the Mayo Hospital since Sunday. I was visiting my son in hospital after almost dying on Saturday.

He was vomiting for several weeks off and on and then Friday afternoon, called me for help. I was with him about 40 hours while he vomited every 10-15 minutes, That meant he had no meds in his system for about 2 days, blood pressure and his HR were way high. Other meds were out of his system and I didn't think he would last mush longer. I had given more than I had and was exhausted. I

I took him to Crucial Care. They gave him 2 bags fluids and other meds for stomach. Didn't help. So, after they told us if I hadn't gotten him help he would not be alive now, I drove him to Mayo ED. Mayo worked to stablelize him in ED, then sent to ICU...ICU docs sent to next step down for care. He was released yesterday to home, 5 days in IV, meds, potassium still low, still stomach issues.

Since he was going home, I refused rehab and went home Wednesday. We are now both home receiving Home Health Care coordinated by the wonderful staff to give us the same care and lots of help. I just saw my nurse, will visit me 3X weekly for 4 weeks, then 1X weekly for 2 weeks. I'll have other normal assistance as well. He had PT visit today, will have aide, OT, PT. No nurse. They'll take vitals and help. I'll continue to handle his meds. I will set up weekly housekeeping and whatever he needs that takes a lot off me.

My diagnosis is exhaustion and stress. After CT and MRI, nothing seen. But, discovered fungus infection and calcification in my sinuses and dolichoectasia of the basilar artery. Have no idea what either really mean and will investigate when have energy. I sent messages to my neuro and PCP re this and hope to find out more. Never been diagnosed with either. Have had cronic sinus issues for years, but worse and ignoring with all the rest of the stuff happening. We'll see and deal with whatever it is. That's what we do, isn't it?!

Well, I haven't felt well for several months, weeks and wanted help for my son for him and for my relief. One heck of a way to get it.....

I'm exhausted. Seeing nurse, stairs down and up just once today, wore me out. I'm heading to be soon, it's almost 4.
Pitiful! Housekeeper coming tomorrow and that's very good, Will set up housekeeping for him tomorrow. Also, hiring neighbor boys to clean/feeders and help us both get ready for coming hurricane/storm. Will probably be bad storm for us, not hurricane force, never know. But, have to go through preps anyway, removing anyhting outside that can fly or be dangerous, sandbag/potting soil patio doors, get towels ready, pets stuff ready to go, be sure we have a month of meds and docs in package, fill up on bottled water, canned food, etc. How????? We're both weak and ill....I'll get help from someone so we'll be fine. by Sunday...

We need your good thoughts and prayers. sending you all blessings and my thoughts as well.

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Replies to "Hello, Lori. Love the lily pads. So nice to be missed. I just got out of..."

Oh, @ess77 Elizabeth, I’ve been wondering where you were, but certainly didn’t expect this! I am so glad you’ve gotten Home Health Care and your son also. You are very special to us and want you to continue being a strong presence on Connect and a friend to all. Becky

Oh my, what another trial you have had.
So very glad though, that finally you will both be getting long-needed help.
Sending every prayer and good thought your way as you ride out yet another storm.

@ess77 Oh my goodness, Elizabeth!! I sure didn’t expect to see news like this! No wonder you were diagnosed with exhaustion, you sweet lady. You’ve been under so much stress with your own health and this event with your son has to be overwhelming for you. As Becky said, it’s wonderful you now are both receiving Home Care. Your son needs help and you’re in no position to take care of yourself and Rob. I hope and pray you’re able to get some much needed rest and that Rob is recouping and can get some normalcy back in his life. He sure went through a horrible situation with being so ill.

Do you have any neighbors or a church group who can help you get ready for the storm? If you don’t already, can you order groceries online and have them delivered to your house? Aw, Elizabeth, I hope you can feel the strength of your Connect family behind you.
Many thoughts and prayers coming your way, dear heart. Fondly, Lori.

@ess77 So sorry to hear that you and your son have had such a difficult time! I'm glad that you are both home with home health care and help with housekeeping.

Rest as well as you can and keep us informed with updates. We care about you !