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Can Gabapentin make neuropathy pain worse?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Jun 9 4:45pm | Replies (338)

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I've read everyone's post with interest, since after upping my dose of gaba to 1800 (per my physiatrist) I am in worse pain than on the 900 a day--shooting pain. But I had no pain initially with the 900, but then had burning pain, like when I began. I've now been on the drug for a month. The phys. gave me an epidural shot for sacro-iliac joint (not new to me), and then my pain got much worse. Is it a coincidence? I'm seeing my neurologist for alternatives to gaba. Please--can others chime in on what has worked for them after gaba? Or how do you all handle the even-higher doses? Has that alleviated the pain for you? Am I taking the med wrong? As you may be able to tell, I'm desperate and feel hopeless. Thanks, Frankie.

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Replies to "I've read everyone's post with interest, since after upping my dose of gaba to 1800 (per..."

@frankie7 Your post stopped me in my tracks. I am not a fan of Gabapentin and yet I know that it takes away the numbness in my hands, wrists, and arms. Probably helps with pain there also. I cannot take it during the day as I get woozy and dizzy. So we (neurologist and I) moved Gabapentin to bedtime only and I have tapered off it with my clinician's approval. So now I only take 600 mg at night. What did I replace the rest of it with? Medical cannabis. I have been using it for pain control for several years now.

I can moderate the dosage as needed. I use different dosages as well as different types for different situations. My diagnosis is small fiber neuropathy and I am now aware of the progression that occurs. It is very challenging.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Hi there,
I've taken gabapentin several times. Initially right when it first came out to help my seizures, it didn’t. I took the maximum dose of 3,600 and had no side effects but the seizures continued. I didn’t notice that it helped my neuropathy pain either so I discontinued it. later I took 1200 mg and then I either upped it to 1800 or I took it out of raider gate, again no effect on seizures or neuropathy. my brother cakes 3,200 mg and it helps him substantially. eventually I started using the fentanyl patch which helped my neuropathy and my pain syndrome.
Believe it or not Gabapentin actually is one of the most frequently prescribed medications for epilepsy patients. It actually has a low side effect profile compared to other seizure medications although not the lowest. Your side effects are dependent on how quickly you titrate to the dose the doctor is recomendimg. Also side effects decrease over time, usually several months, give or take.
For me opiates helped the most. I no longer have pain only numbness which combined with seizure meds is a balance catastrophe nearly everyday.
Have you tried Lyrica? I know people who take it for Fibromyalgia although when I talk to people about it most don't like it including myself. I filed a complaint with the FDA regarding it.
Take care,