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Thank you for the warning...I really need to do my homework before I get anything. I haven't researched walkers at all, but the upright ones seemed so much better because you don't bend over them. I hadn't thought about how stable they are. I was encouraged to learn my balance problems will probably improve if I have the plication surgery to tie my paralyzed diaphragm down...but I'm putting that off for as long as I can. Nancy

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Replies to "Thank you for the warning...I really need to do my homework before I get anything. I..."

@nla4625 I've used a "regular height" walker for years with no problem. Recently, I was blacking out in the washroom and for some silly reason thought I should make my way to my recliner in the living room some 15 steps away. I was heading in that direction with my walker but I didn't make it. I completely blacked out, firstly hitting my walker which was in front of me, and then hitting the floor HARD. When I woke up, moaning and in considerable pain, I pressed my medic alarm and the ambulance and paramedics soon arrived and took me to the hospital. The miracle was- no broken bones but a concussion from hitting my head on the walker. It was thought later that the walker broke my fall, saving me from a disastrous broken hip or worse. Although I had serious pain for some time, and still a tender bump on my head, I'm thankful my trusty walker pretty much saved the day! Just be certain you buy a walker at a medical supply store, where they know how to measure you and adjust your walker accordingly. I stand very upright with excellent posture while using mine...even better than when standing without it!

Good morning - @artist01 gives us a very good reminder - walking aids and medical appliances need to be chosen and fitted for each individual. This is best done by someone with the proper training - like in a medical supply store.

If you have one of those insurances that gets an Rx for one from your doc and just sends it to you, make sure you get a PT appointment for a proper fitting and lessons on safe use, especially going up and down curbs, stairs, etc on your own!