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Plan B and Depo, Odd Question

Women's Health | Last Active: Feb 8, 2020 | Replies (6)

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Hi, I have a question, if you know the answer or have an idea please answer, I need an answer!😕…… so my postpartum bleeding stopped on a Monday and I had unprotected sex on a Wednesday night and took a plan b pill the following day and than four days after I went in to get my first depo shot and they asked me if I had sex before since I was also six weeks postpartum but said no because my mom was there and was embarrassed to answer that question. Do y’all think I will be fine or could possibly get pregnant??

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Replies to "Hi, I have a question, if you know the answer or have an idea please answer,..."

Hi @liliana1,
I'm not a medical professional, but I found this information about the birth control shot Depo-Provera on Planned Parenthood.

According to PlannedParenthood.org “If you get the shot within five days after miscarriage or an abortion, or within three weeks after giving birth, you are protected from pregnancy immediately. Otherwise, you need to use some form of backup birth control for the first week after getting the shot.” https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/birth-control-shot-depo-provera

They also provide info on the Plan B pill https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/morning-after-pill-emergency-contraception

In regards to your question about the effectiveness of the birth control shot (Depo) four days after unprotected sex and taking the Plan B pill, I recommend talking to your doctor or a pharmacist. Or you can talk with a health educator on Planned Parenthood. See this page to access the chat room https://www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/contact-us