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Like you, I did NOT want to take Prolia. I joined a support group for osteoporosis and I went there the night before I was to get my first injection. I said I didn't want to do it and some women started talking to me. They had me speak by phone to a couple of women who both got osteonecrosis of the jaw (which spread from there in one woman). After talking to them, I was resolved not to take Prolia or any other "bone-growing drug." I stopped eating sugar and drinking diet sodas six years ago - that's a step in the right direction. But my osteoporosis got worse still. I started paying attention to every single thing I ate - and I supplemented with boron, magnesium, postassium, the calcium I wasn't getting from food, vitamins D and K2 (mk4, mk7). I stopped using Nexium for acid reflux. I also used a very low dose of estrogen patch 0.025 mg. I am not using it as much as I was using it in the beginning. For what it's worth, I also did collagen peptiddes. My DEXA scan has improved for my back - for the first time EVER. My left forearm is slightly worse (0.02 change). I do a LOT of research and I have worked in the medical field for many years. I know that vitamin K2 (mk4, mk7) has caused some improvement in studies. Boron is a trace mineral that has been shown to improve bone density. You will have a very hard time finding anything good written about boron. It relieves arthritis pain dramatically (in my experience with both RA and OA as well as FMS - I am about 85% relieved of pain). The medical community makes a lot of money off arthritis - and boron is very inexpensive. It's just garbage what they do. Of course, the small amount of estrogen is helping also. I will know more in another couple years and I will report back. I was not able to exercise much during this time as I lost someone very dear to me during the pandemic, and I became ill because of the loss. I was pretty much bedridden for 13 months. I am just starting to feel better, and it will take a while to get up to speed. Exercise may be enough to see a big difference.

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Replies to "Like you, I did NOT want to take Prolia. I joined a support group for osteoporosis..."

I was just told to have Reclast injection and now, after researching, so glad I said NO as you did to Prolia. I’ve been into nutritious eating now for couple months and have been reading about boron, K2, etc. I want the natural path, not drugs and don’t trust my rheumatologist now at all. Will be seeing a women endocrinologist soon to hopefully help with osteoporosis plan. I’m so sorry about your loss and hope your spirits have improved so you can help yourself recover. I’d love to hear an update from you.

Thank you for your insight and experience parrotqueen. I am going to look into boron and watch everything I eat and I never drink soda. I have small bones and not overweight but does run in my family. Will stay as active as possible and watch my lifting and protect against falls. Rudy

I have had Osteoporosis and taken many of the pills over the last 20 years. Actonel and Fosamax didn’t do anything to improve my bone density scores. Next I tried everyday I hoof Fosamax and within six months I had such joint pain my doctor immediately took me off that and recommended Prolia.
My low bone density was a direct result of malnutrition caused by undiagnosed Celiac Disease. Once I was diagnosed and began a totally Gluten free diet, I started to slowly put back on 40 of the 50 pounds I had lost. With this kind of history, I knew I had to find something that would help rebuild the density in my bones.
I began the Prolia along with Bio
Indentical Hormones 7 years ago. I have had no side effects whatsoever from the injections and I have the lowest level of Osteopenia in my hip. My doctor prescribed compounded HRT with regular blood work and increased my Testosterone levels just a bit to help with the density of my bones. I have no reservations about the Prolia and expect my bone density test in October to show the Osteopenia to be gone.
I do understand all the hesitation in adding such drugs to our systems but with me it has been a complete success without issues. Being 75 and noticing I sometimes lose my balance due to AFIB, I couldn’t rely on doing nothing, possibly falling, and who knows what I might break.
Just wanted to show there are successes with the drug.