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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 7 hours ago | Replies (2461)

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@loribmt Wow, Lori, fantastic pictures. What's the eagle got in his beak? A crow, a cat? I lost my beloved cat to an eagle or an owl. Tried to keep him indoors but he kept sneaking out with the dog and I eventually gave up. He came to me as a feral kitten so it wasn't his nature to be kept indoors. So sad. Speaking of spirit animals, I always dreamed mine was a horse, running wild and free with tail and mane flying in the wind. Turns out it's a raven, I think. I'm good with that though.
Did you have 1000 Prednisone? So did I! 1000 by I.V. per day for three days when my GCA took my right eye's vision and drs. were trying to save my left eye. (That's what GCA does.) Saved it, but on the second of three days I had a stroke and my three sons were all called to my hospital bedside from various parts of Western Canada, expecting me to expire. Ha! Fooled them. 🤣
Please tell me of your hallucinatory experience some time.

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Replies to "@loribmt Wow, Lori, fantastic pictures. What's the eagle got in his beak? A crow, a cat?..."

Dear ArtistO1: Peach here. I also have lost a cat (He was ferell when I adopted him. No matter how much I had the fence adjusted he could not be contained. So when I watched him get out again I stayed outside to get some sun. A few minutes later I heard a horrible noise from a Bobcat and Harry (the cat) never returned, I still think about him but I look at it this way: Harry had a limp which the doctor could not fix and was always pushing his head onto whatever which also could not be fixed. So I talk to Harry up in heaven and tell him how happy I am for him that he does not have these two pains any more.

I have watched a vulture pick up a squirrel, rise high up and then drop it. This kills the squirrel and then the vulture picks it up and flies away. Deadly but they need to eat to.