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The Dreaded Pain Scale Nov 10, 2024 | By Oludare (Dare) O. Olatoye, M.D. (@oludareolatoyemd)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "The pain scale doesn't work for me, it's meaningless in describing my pain level. I'm very,..."
Tired of being asked. Whether in ER hospital or doctors office. They don’t believe your number but they have never been in constant pain for 16 months plus. I am a 8-9 daily. I shouldn’t even be alive. They think how can you be that high. I know pain has headaches for 25 years. When higher I need ice packs. My abdomen hurts all the time. Luckily I get in 6-7 hours of sleep a night. About had it since all tests have been done along with drugs and pain mgt. Even had gallbladder out two weeks ago. Only helped some with eating and stopping the massive weight loss of 45 pounds. My pain in my pelvis and around my xiphoid is always present. I’m at an 8 which is awful as we speak. Others would have died by now.
Yes. I can relate. And I hope you find the things and people who will help you live better.
Venting is entirely acceptable in my world. I vent to my dog all the time. No harm done.
Yes I can relate and have thought about this many times. I feel like my pain level 2 or 3 is someone else's 9 or 10.