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I’m 34 and has been 3 weeks since I finished vanco. Everything seemed good and this morning my stomach was upset. Not sure if it was the eggs, or if if cdiff is coming back. I couldn’t help it but to break down and just cry by myself. Now I wait and see what my stomach does tomorrow morning. I want this nightmare to be over.

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Replies to "I’m 34 and has been 3 weeks since I finished vanco. Everything seemed good and this..."

I totally understand the feeling. Don’t be afraid I went through upset stomach for 9 months and some scares and it turned out nothing. Hang in there and hope you get better. Please keep us posted! Wishing you all the best.

Hello,........my name is Jacque. I am about 4 months into recovery. It took over 8 weeks to get my strength back. I have been athletic all my life and exercise 6 days a week. I couldn't believe what C-diff did to me. I have gained my energy back, mostly. In the beginning of recovery I had bulging in my intestines that I never had before. It frightened me. I've always had a relatively flat stomach and when I ate, or even when I didn't, I would experience this and I didn't seem to have the muscles to "pull it in". I was thinking that I might be resigned to wearing flowing tops from now on. 🙁 The good news is that has gotten much better, and as I mentioned I am about 4 months into recovery. But I have not been able to have BM's on my own. I also have a "tortuous intestine", which means I have more intestine than I should for a person my size and that creates a very slow transit time which has caused me difficulties with constipation all my life. I developed a system of care that helped but it wasn't perfect. So now, life recovering from C-diff involves 100 fl. oz. of water a day, a couple cups of coffee and 1 diet soda thrown in the 100 fl. oz, 8mg of psyllium powder sprinkled on my oatmeal everyday, Metamucil crackers every other day, Miralax daily, and the first two months of my recovery i took a pro-biotic. I found that after I stopped the pro-biotic the bulging lessened. My gastro Dr. said I needed the pro-biotic after C-diff because the C-diff wipes everything out of you. But two months was enough. I take 3 Bisacodyl to stimulate my bowels every third day. Two work but not completely. Compared to what I felt like in February and March of this year, I'm feeling so much better. Be patient with yourself and keep the faith. Just yesterday I asked my gastro Dr. if it was such a good idea to keep taking the Bisacodyl and she tole me to continue with my regimen because it takes a long time to heal and recover. I have read on this site of people who are 10 months into recovery and still having issues. I understand your tears,.............I've had some also. It did get better and I hope that it does for you too. Be gentle with yourself and rest when you need to. I had trouble accepting that because I'm not a sedentary person. But in the beginning of recovery, I had no choice. I had no energy or strength. Then it slowly got better but I needed to take it in stages. And now I'm back to my normal exercise routine and can get through the day without a nap, although occasionally I make time for one. Sleep in important. I wish you all the best and I'm happy to "talk" with you anytime. Jacque Janik