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@loribmt Alas, it didn't happen as I planned. 😥 I wish I hadn't posted that previous message. I should have waited, and posted when I had accomplished the plan. Aaarggh. Silly, silly.
I tried. Too dizzy, too much pain, which caused more pain, which caused more dizziness. I know "tomorrow is another day", but DRAT it. I can do this. I've done it many times before. I have to remember the tortoise and the hare. I don't want sympathy, gang. Tune in tomorrow, or maybe the next day. Lol
P.S. The lunch was good! Hugs. Laurie

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Replies to "@loribmt Alas, it didn't happen as I planned. 😥 I wish I hadn't posted that previous..."

Laurie! It’s ok to plan and not accomplish what you set out to do!
The fact that you do inspire to get beyond the wheelchair means you have not given up hope! Trite but true…tomorrow IS another day; an opportunity for a fresh start. And another day stronger! The end goal was ultimately lunch and you achieved that!! ☺️ I’m glad it was good!

Your body has gone through a lot of trauma the past few months and it’s taken it’s toll…sapped your energy and left you drained.
I’ve had my share of days like that, when my only goal was standing for 30 seconds unassisted (though a gait belt was around my waist, just in case) I know sympathy is the last thing you want but do accept the empathy and commiseration we all feel for you as you keep giving it your all to persevere!
Fondly, Lori 😘

@artist01, Please, don't feel bad that your plan did not happen today. I understand that on some days, the body just doesn't want to work, even with your best planning. I know, because our adult son is recovering from a serious accident last August and he is learning to walk again due to spinal cord injury. He plans and thinks thru any activity that he wants to do after practicing in PT, and on some days it just does not work for him. It is disappointing for him when that happens, and then on some days, the legs will cooperate. Spinal cord doctor told him early on that this would happen. For him, it is not pain but exhaustion from the mental and and the physical effort.

Your attitude is terrific (reminds me of our son!) who says he IS going to get thru this. And you will too. Glad that you enjoyed the lunch.
I'm sending gentle hugs.

Hang in there my friend. Sometimes the body just has a mind of its own. Walking again will happen when it's time.

@artist01 You are doing a great job! Just wanting to move and trying are big goals! Imagine if you just sat there and didn’t even try, you’d really be mad at yourself. You always give me inspiration! My walking has really slowed down because of the heat. 100 degrees just isn’t my kind of walking weather! Sure wish we could walk together—well, virtually at least. Becky