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I have seen a neurologist. All blood tests were fine. I was eventually told I had peripheral nerve damage due to excessive alcohol consumption. I was told this would get better over time. That was two years ago with a change in diet and lifestyle. The strange glue-foot sensation continues, burning and cramping sensation in feet and shins, numbness in legs, and a vice-like sensation in the knees. The numbness increases when sitting in a car or at the computer. I was wondering if this is a trapped nerve or something like spinal stenosis.

thanks for any help,


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Replies to "I have seen a neurologist. All blood tests were fine. I was eventually told I had..."

There are a couple of other discussions you may find helpful by reading the stories of other members and what experiences they have shared.

Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/member-neuoropathy-journey-stories-whats-yours/
Alcohol Neuropathy???: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/alcohol-neuropathy/

Pinched or compressed nerves can cause pain and nerve damage and possibly symptoms you mention but that is something you would need to discuss with your doctor or a neurologist and have some specific tests done to check. My best advice is probably to keep doing what you are doing now - looking for information and learning as much as you can about your health condition. This will help you become a better advocate for your health and hopefully help find treatments that will help your symptoms. My two go to websites for neuropathy information are:

Neuropathy Commons: https://neuropathycommons.org/
The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy: https://www.foundationforpn.org/

You mentioned your doctor said the neuropathy was probably caused by alcohol consumption and that you made diet and lifestyle changes the past two years but you still have the symptoms. Have you discussed possible vitamin deficiencies with your neurologist as part of his diagnosis?

Here's an article that discusses possible supplements to help - Management of alcohol-induced peripheral neuropathy: https://journals.lww.com/nursingmadeincrediblyeasy/fulltext/2019/11000/management_of_alcohol_induced_peripheral.7.aspx