What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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Hello, @nazleer I found it online at Walmart, 'Wise Men' balm by Neutripure. It's considered a homeopathic treatment for arthritis, neuropathy, calming has lavender. I didn't know what to expect, so didn't expect anything but was pleasantly surprised at the apparent quality and it really does help me with those issues. Pain, burning, don't see any numbness help yet, but will let you know as it goes. I'm also pleased with the help with dry skin, flaking. It has a very light fragrance, which I prefer and is quite pleasant.
I arrived liquid, from the heat w/shipping. Let is sit inside AC for a bit and it congeals into a lovely feeling balm. Works either way.
Hope it helps. I'm so pleased to have a product that helps me with these issues, has only 3 ingredients, is made in US, and not too expensive. Love it.
Blessings to you, elizabeth

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Hi Elizabeth @ess77 Thank you for the information of the product. I found the balm on Amazon and placed an order for my mother who has neuropathy in both arms due to arthritis in her shoulders. She is excited to try it. If nothing else it will be soothing on her skin. I will keep in mind the temperature of the balm at the time of delivery and make any adjustments accordingly. I am hoping it will help her with the burning pain. I can try it as well for the neuropathy on my left lower leg. I am so glad you have found some relief with your neuropathy. Having a wonderful attitude helps you to cope and discover new things in life. My mother will be 91 this month. Her health may be declining but she definitely maintains a positive outlook on life and continues to live independently. I am grateful for that. I wish you well and stay positive! I enjoy learning from you. Toni


Hi @ess77 @artist01 and our other nature lovers. What’s outside my window today is actually on the siding of the house! Aren’t they gorgeous?!! Rosy Maple Moths. They remind me of Pink Lemonade.


Hi @ess77 @artist01 and our other nature lovers. What’s outside my window today is actually on the siding of the house! Aren’t they gorgeous?!! Rosy Maple Moths. They remind me of Pink Lemonade.

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@loribmt, @nazeer, @artist01, @sueinmn, @becsbuddy, @johnbishop, and all!
I'm thinking I love moths. Never knew there are so many and so many beautiful moths. This one is lovely. I have what I think is a moth visiting me often, and it's beautiful. I at first thought it was a hummingbird, it's so lovely, wings look just like a hummer and it hovers around plants. It's red and blue, wings I think. Body is black maybe? I've been looking for it online, but knowing you folks, I'm sure you have a good idea what it is. Let me know what you think.

also, I spent some time last night with my phone looking at my not zoomed in birds I want to send you. I found I can make them larger, zoom just like you do when you want to read larger print????? DUH!!!! Now, I just need to figure out how to make it stayed zoomed in, save and store it and send to you! I'll get there.....

We've just had a strong storm come through, lost the electricity for an hour or so and now all clear and lovely. Actually, I love the rain and storm, but do prefer having lights and electricity. And, I'm all electric, so no cooking either.

Be well everyone and enjoy your window view. AND, help me identify that moth! Oh, I have a rose finch! How lovely....a couple of them, both raspberry color. They've visited about a week but I just found them in one of my books and online.
Blessings everyone. elizabeth


@loribmt, @nazeer, @artist01, @sueinmn, @becsbuddy, @johnbishop, and all!
I'm thinking I love moths. Never knew there are so many and so many beautiful moths. This one is lovely. I have what I think is a moth visiting me often, and it's beautiful. I at first thought it was a hummingbird, it's so lovely, wings look just like a hummer and it hovers around plants. It's red and blue, wings I think. Body is black maybe? I've been looking for it online, but knowing you folks, I'm sure you have a good idea what it is. Let me know what you think.

also, I spent some time last night with my phone looking at my not zoomed in birds I want to send you. I found I can make them larger, zoom just like you do when you want to read larger print????? DUH!!!! Now, I just need to figure out how to make it stayed zoomed in, save and store it and send to you! I'll get there.....

We've just had a strong storm come through, lost the electricity for an hour or so and now all clear and lovely. Actually, I love the rain and storm, but do prefer having lights and electricity. And, I'm all electric, so no cooking either.

Be well everyone and enjoy your window view. AND, help me identify that moth! Oh, I have a rose finch! How lovely....a couple of them, both raspberry color. They've visited about a week but I just found them in one of my books and online.
Blessings everyone. elizabeth

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@ess77 you certainly have no shortage of entertainment outside your window! I’d love to see all your birds.
I do believe the moth you’re seeing is a Sphinx moth, also called hummingbird moths. There are several varieties but they’re all a Sphinx moth. They’re really pretty. We have several that frequent the flowers on our deck. I remember the first time I ever saw one. It sure looked like a hummer but I knew it wasn’t.

Regarding the photos on your phone, either an android or an iPhone. I know both have basic editing options for their photos. Just click on the photo you want. Touch Edit and a small frame or cropping tool will show up. Just ‘frame’ the area you are interested in and click Done. It will crop the photo and enlarge the smaller area you targeted.

Then you can easily post that to the Connect site. Once the photo is posted whoever sees it can touch on the picture and it will enlarge in the Connect site. All of the photos you see on Connect are now small because with the new format launched a few months ago. But all we have to do is double click the photo and it will enlarge to full screen. Does that help you?


@ess77 you certainly have no shortage of entertainment outside your window! I’d love to see all your birds.
I do believe the moth you’re seeing is a Sphinx moth, also called hummingbird moths. There are several varieties but they’re all a Sphinx moth. They’re really pretty. We have several that frequent the flowers on our deck. I remember the first time I ever saw one. It sure looked like a hummer but I knew it wasn’t.

Regarding the photos on your phone, either an android or an iPhone. I know both have basic editing options for their photos. Just click on the photo you want. Touch Edit and a small frame or cropping tool will show up. Just ‘frame’ the area you are interested in and click Done. It will crop the photo and enlarge the smaller area you targeted.

Then you can easily post that to the Connect site. Once the photo is posted whoever sees it can touch on the picture and it will enlarge in the Connect site. All of the photos you see on Connect are now small because with the new format launched a few months ago. But all we have to do is double click the photo and it will enlarge to full screen. Does that help you?

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I knew you'd know all the answers, you wonderful thing!!!

I know how to and have always enlarged all your wonderful pictures, I saw the crop and all but was concerned about destroying the original. My phone told me I could always go back to the original if I wanted, but what does it know? It's a stupid electronic piece of plastic! Right!

Thanks, my friend. That is exactly what I have winging around looking beautiful and confusing me....I do have a lot of birds now, but not for long if I don't get out there and make it pretty, clean the birdbath again, put the fountain back up and running that the doggone squirrels toppled getting to a feeder! and repot and clean up the area. It's getting messy, should send you those pics. I'll get it in shape soon and they'll be happy. Sue, send me your daughter, please.

Storming again, so not today for cleaning up the messy patio. That's a tomorrow job. Think now I'll go do some half-done laundry, enjoy some dinner and back upstairs for a rainy night. I'll leave my drapes open and enjoy the rain and storm...blessings all and thank you so much Lori. What a gem you are, elizabeth


I knew you'd know all the answers, you wonderful thing!!!

I know how to and have always enlarged all your wonderful pictures, I saw the crop and all but was concerned about destroying the original. My phone told me I could always go back to the original if I wanted, but what does it know? It's a stupid electronic piece of plastic! Right!

Thanks, my friend. That is exactly what I have winging around looking beautiful and confusing me....I do have a lot of birds now, but not for long if I don't get out there and make it pretty, clean the birdbath again, put the fountain back up and running that the doggone squirrels toppled getting to a feeder! and repot and clean up the area. It's getting messy, should send you those pics. I'll get it in shape soon and they'll be happy. Sue, send me your daughter, please.

Storming again, so not today for cleaning up the messy patio. That's a tomorrow job. Think now I'll go do some half-done laundry, enjoy some dinner and back upstairs for a rainy night. I'll leave my drapes open and enjoy the rain and storm...blessings all and thank you so much Lori. What a gem you are, elizabeth

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@ess77 ok I’m blushing now. Lol. I’m afraid of heights so don’t put me on too high of a pedestal, m’dear. 😂

Your phone is right. You can revert your pics back to the original anytime. Take a practice shot and play with it in editing if you’re uncertain. You can see how the picture can be manipulated and then revered back to the original with no issues. 😊


I knew you'd know all the answers, you wonderful thing!!!

I know how to and have always enlarged all your wonderful pictures, I saw the crop and all but was concerned about destroying the original. My phone told me I could always go back to the original if I wanted, but what does it know? It's a stupid electronic piece of plastic! Right!

Thanks, my friend. That is exactly what I have winging around looking beautiful and confusing me....I do have a lot of birds now, but not for long if I don't get out there and make it pretty, clean the birdbath again, put the fountain back up and running that the doggone squirrels toppled getting to a feeder! and repot and clean up the area. It's getting messy, should send you those pics. I'll get it in shape soon and they'll be happy. Sue, send me your daughter, please.

Storming again, so not today for cleaning up the messy patio. That's a tomorrow job. Think now I'll go do some half-done laundry, enjoy some dinner and back upstairs for a rainy night. I'll leave my drapes open and enjoy the rain and storm...blessings all and thank you so much Lori. What a gem you are, elizabeth

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I love hummingbird/sphinx moths - we get to enjoy them often because they like to shelter in our linden tre.
We're enjoying Texas temps in Minnesota this week. Today it's 101f, but the breeze kept it bearable to work in the yard - finally! With the heat and no rain, I decided it was time to power wash and bleach the moss off porch stairs and patio - got it half done. Next week I'll stain the steps - it's been 4 years, and It shows!
It's a trick keeping the birdbaths full in this weather, I'm trying to figure out a drip system for the one under my big tree - thinking about a galling jug with a little hole, to keep a constant drip going.
My husband took pity on me and is preparing dinner - grilled sausages and cucumber salad is on the menu.


A nice gentle growing rain made even more enjoyable with a cup of Oolong tea. The Black Headed Grosbeaks have returned and seems I am seeing hybrids as we have the Rose Breasted Grosbeaks. I have read a little about this. Typically the Black Headed ones are more northwest. I do know they are bullies to the Robins whilst nesting. TMI from an old birder.


A nice gentle growing rain made even more enjoyable with a cup of Oolong tea. The Black Headed Grosbeaks have returned and seems I am seeing hybrids as we have the Rose Breasted Grosbeaks. I have read a little about this. Typically the Black Headed ones are more northwest. I do know they are bullies to the Robins whilst nesting. TMI from an old birder.

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Hello, @parus and all. Never too much info from someone who knows his birds! I had feeders for many years, but this last year has brought out the serious 'birder' possibilities in me....I'm in love with the birds who visit my little home. I had that red-breasted grosbeak a few weeks ago, on his way up to you from sunny Florida. I suppose you're in MI or MN, one of the cold country areas. I read a bit about the cross breading of some of the birds from the western areas with your area. Interesting. Those western birds trying to take over the breed, I suppose? That grosbeak is a beauty!

I have purple finches now that I've fallen for - they are so lovely. 2 w/same coloration, so I suppose 2 males? I'm ckg to see what the females look like and see if they're visiting also, which I'm sure they are. Lots of chicadees, looks like some new ones, smaller and fluffier feathers. I have families of cardinals year after year, so now maybe chicadee families too! hope so.

Spent a couple of hours yesterday evening cleaning and refreshing feeders, cleaning birdbath and watering everything around. The squirrels turned over the fountain I love, so I'm mad at them and moved all the feeders away from their reach hopefully! And I had even bought them a special corn and seed cake just for them....pesky and obnoxious. They're getting aggravated at not getting the feeders and things are getting damaged. Don't like that!

I haven't ever had a robin at my feeders. Never. I don't know their personalities, but interestingly had a couple of mourning doves spat over a feeder. Surprised me.

Well, overdid yesterday so today is an online day and rest. Having some heart issues the last week, so should be staying quiet until I see Mayo cardiologist/surgeon and have CT. May have something going on....take care and enjoy this lovely day. Blessings, elizabeth


Hello, @parus and all. Never too much info from someone who knows his birds! I had feeders for many years, but this last year has brought out the serious 'birder' possibilities in me....I'm in love with the birds who visit my little home. I had that red-breasted grosbeak a few weeks ago, on his way up to you from sunny Florida. I suppose you're in MI or MN, one of the cold country areas. I read a bit about the cross breading of some of the birds from the western areas with your area. Interesting. Those western birds trying to take over the breed, I suppose? That grosbeak is a beauty!

I have purple finches now that I've fallen for - they are so lovely. 2 w/same coloration, so I suppose 2 males? I'm ckg to see what the females look like and see if they're visiting also, which I'm sure they are. Lots of chicadees, looks like some new ones, smaller and fluffier feathers. I have families of cardinals year after year, so now maybe chicadee families too! hope so.

Spent a couple of hours yesterday evening cleaning and refreshing feeders, cleaning birdbath and watering everything around. The squirrels turned over the fountain I love, so I'm mad at them and moved all the feeders away from their reach hopefully! And I had even bought them a special corn and seed cake just for them....pesky and obnoxious. They're getting aggravated at not getting the feeders and things are getting damaged. Don't like that!

I haven't ever had a robin at my feeders. Never. I don't know their personalities, but interestingly had a couple of mourning doves spat over a feeder. Surprised me.

Well, overdid yesterday so today is an online day and rest. Having some heart issues the last week, so should be staying quiet until I see Mayo cardiologist/surgeon and have CT. May have something going on....take care and enjoy this lovely day. Blessings, elizabeth

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@ess77 Actually I am in IN where it is hot and humid. You do not see Robins at your feeders as they are not seed eaters and prefer the insects and earthworms. Do you have Purple Finches or are they House Finches? I no longer see Purple Finches since some eye disease nearly destroyed them several years ago. In trying to be kind to the bushy tailed rodents you encouraged them with your thoughtfulness. They are destructive and I find nothing cute about them. I am only feeding the hummers now as there is ample food in nature and the young squirrels are rampant, learning to be lazy from their parents and continually trying to dig up my flowers in the containers. Obnoxious beasties to most bird lovers.
Spinal issues keep me from serious birding or gardening. I now draw and paint the things I love which includes portraits of my grandson which this grandma loves and enjoys very much.
Sunny Florida eh? I have a sister who recently retired to the Villages with her husband. Senior Disneyland or some such.
Welcome to the world of bird watching!!

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