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High insulin levels

Diabetes & Endocrine System | Last Active: Jun 5, 2021 | Replies (11)

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What did the doctor say about the adrenal tumor? I know nothing about the subject, but I would explore that with a specialist. Some of your report doesn't add up to me. Whatever you do, just make sure you don't have low blood sugar drops because that is dangerous. I ate six times a day to cure my low blood sugar, exercised, and reduced the stress in my life. I had no advice from my doctor at the time.
I ate lots of vegetables because I have always had a huge garden. I had no idea I was at the beginning of becoming diabetic and I baked too much desserts to please my large family. I was terribly surprised years later to have high blood sugar, but it made sense eventually.
Losing weight was imperative for my improvement and I am presently under good control but still could lose more weight. Dorisena

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Replies to "What did the doctor say about the adrenal tumor? I know nothing about the subject, but..."

Dorisena, I agree, it doesn't add up, which is why this is so frustrating.
The 24-hour urine test was to see if it was an active tumor, and results indicate that it is not. So they will monitor it for 3 years (my endocrinologist said 20% of the population has this type of benign tumor and don't even know it).

I also have a huge garden and we have our own eggs and raise most of our own meat, so my family's diet is very low in processed foods. With the extreme sugar limitations I have, I cannot even eat most vegetables, only the lowest carb ones (lettuce, cabbage, green peppers, etc). Once I got sick because I had eaten too much onion that I had stir fried! It's very limiting.

I am a healthy weight and am very active. If it was insulin resistance, I have no idea what would have triggered it and I would think that it would reverse itself with a low carb diet, but that has not happened over the past 2 years.

I hope you continue to stay healthy and see further progress!