← Return to New to Mayo, Old to Epilepsy. Any tips for my visit?

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Hello @hobbitinhopeland and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Congratulations on your referral, although I hear some apprehension. What feels intimidating so that members can best support you?

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Replies to "Hello @hobbitinhopeland and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Congratulations on your referral, although I hear some..."

I suppose anything new could be somewhat frightening. I would look forward to new doctors with possible new suggestions and perhaps treatment plans. I believe it would be more exciting since Mayo Clinic offers you hope and you may even come away with your questions answered and with so much helpful information. Who knows, you may come away seizure free. It does happen. Remember at Mayo they have meetings to discuss cases so you could benefit from many professionals not just one.
Are you planning to go to Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota? It’s the top rated hospital in the United States and a top rated level 4 Comprehensive Epilepsy Center.
Is the plan to be admitted to their Epilepsy Center for video EEG testing and other testing?
What type/s of seizures are you manifesting? Absence, Tonic-Clonic, Focal or Myoclonic jerks? Has/is your seizure disorder intractable?
Similar to what @amandajro mentioned I too am curious as to why your intimidated. Would you feel comfortable sharing your with with the group?
Are you concerned about having your medication discontinued to promote a seizure or testing that may be new to you?
Ive been in several level 4 Centers and although my seizures continued perhaps they wouldn’t have had I agreed to the treatment they offered, but treatment outcomes are something no one can predict.
How long have you had Epilepsy? How often do you hav seizures.