← Return to Anti-Inflammatory Supplements after Joint Replacement

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There are a couple schools of thought on anti-inflammatory medications after surgery.
One of the latest (just discussed with my daughter's excellent ortho on Saturday) is to replace opioids with a combination of Acetominaphen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen. This has been shown in "blind" tests to provide as good of pain management as oxy after a few weeks out from surgery. Her current regimen calls for oxy at increasing intervals, with a combo of Tylenol & Acetominaphen between, plus ice. It seems to be working on a major trauma repair to her arm.
The older school of thought was that NSAIDS somehow impeded healing - I haven't done any research, but I believe most docs no longer believe that - there is more of a consensus that anything that reduces swelling & pain to improve the ability to move & do therapy is a bonus.

And don't forget the ice! We have a saying in our family, coined by my husband while he was being an EMT in his first retirement. "If someone could get a patent for ice, it would cost $100 a cube." That's how valuable it is. 25 years ago, I was given an early, experimental version of the "ice pump" after knee (ACL + MCL) surgery, and asked to use it full time for 14 days. I tried it, and was amazed. Ever since, in our family we ice FULL time for at least one week after any surgery, and then many times a day for several weeks, and finally at least 3-4 times a day until pain and swelling are gone. My daughter has been on ice 24/7 since she came out of the OR. It helps keep the swelling down and helps keep pain under control. Thank goodness we have an absolutely fabulous icemaker in our new refrigerator - it produces enough ice for my daughter's arm and three very thirsty water drinkers.

The final NSAID you might want to consider it Voltaren gel, which is topical. There is a 1% strength available over the counter, and if it helps a little, you could ask for a prescription for a greater strength, up to 2.25%, I believe. The advantage is to be able to target the actual spot that hurts, without putting the drug through your digestive system. This is one of my long-term pain management strategies for arthritis and chronic pain & inflammation.

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Replies to "There are a couple schools of thought on anti-inflammatory medications after surgery. One of the latest..."

Thank you for your above words of wisdom and I hope your daughter continues to recover well.
Your post is I nteresting as I had TKR Feb 16 and have been on 600 mg of ibuprofen 2-3 times a day, 1000 acetaminophen 2-3 times a day and 5 mg of Oxy 3 times a day. The latter is late afternoon, evening and overnight. Days are still painful and today I pulled out my 1% voltaren gel I have for my feet. I am surprised that the OTC pills don’t touch the pain and all I’m doing is aggravating my gut. Any thoughts so appreciated.