In reading through your post - in many respects I could be reading about me. My docs call it Major Neurocogvitive Disorder. Apathy, depression, anxiety are all part of the package for me. Like you, I dont like to go out of the house much. When asked to make a decision it is very difficult. I can go back and forth on something - something as simple as choosing a piece of fruit. I procrastinate about many things. I think for me it is in the back of my mind - I probably couldn’t do the job right without messing something up - which just makes things worse. I walk on egg shell around my wife most of the time thinking I am doing something to make her mad - which I really am not.
My wife is my best friend and probably the only one I have had a desire to be close to.
This was going on for for a few years and because of another issue - not related - led me to go see a neurologist.
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Depression apathy, anxiety can all be part of that so that is where we left it.
Fast forward 2 years and my memory was getting weird. Things i used to do in my sleep (figuratively) I was struggling to do. I was in a career where multitasking is a must, I was losing that ability as well.
They started doing neuropsych testing and after a few years of noticing declines. Those tests along with a few others leads to where I am today. I wont go into the details as to where I am now.
I say all of this -as a little therapy for myself to vent a little - but to also let you know what you are feeling - YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I know it can feel like it. But what we deal with is a very real thing and affects a good portion of the population.
Support groups like these are great. I belong to a few FB groups as well.
I tried many meds over the years. Most caused me problems because of the Parkinson’s. There is a laundry lis of meds I need to stay away from. That makes it difficult to try meds - even for digestive and urological issues - some of the meds dont mix well with PD.
My only outlet for relief is a medical grade CBD.
For me - there was an underlying condition that took many yers to develop to the point it could be diagnosed.
I’m not suggesting that is the case for you.
I’m not sure if any of that helps. I hope some of it might help to let you know you are not alone.
Once again I want to thank you for your understanding and support. Help seems so far away though. We still haven’t found a therapist to help me get an understanding of what is causing all this confusion. When I am around people I don’t feel comfortable so I pull back and won’t engage willingly. I still don’t find pleasure in doing things I used to enjoy. The only way I can get anything accomplished is to force myself to get it done. It’s a miserable way to spend my life. I just don’t understand what is wrong with me and how all this happened.