my abdominal ultrasound

Posted by happyat76 @happyat76, Apr 27, 2018

The results of my recent ultrasound are scaring me a lot. I was told I have a fatty liver and that something is wrong where the bile duct is. I am in constant pain on my right side and in my stomach. The pain goes right through to my back. I am not on any meds for pain. I have been taking Lanzaprazole? for my stomach, but it isn't doing anything for me, so I stopped it. I read on Web MD that it is a PPI and that these types of meds are not good for the liver. Is this true? Can anyone tell me what I should be doing for myself to help improve my fatty liver. I am overweight which I know is really bad and I take 3-6 Tyleonol #1 every day and have been for years. I believe that the Tylenol has damaged my liver. I am going to see a surgeon on May 10 to find out what she thinks about the ultrasound. I don't have much faith in my new Dr. in town and she wants me to go see this surgeon. I would very much appreciate any discussion anyone will have with me so has this same problem. Thanks so much. Loretta

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@happyat76...I have a very similar problem. My doctor told me my ultrasound results didn't really show any problem with my gallbladder, although it feels like something is spasming in there every once in a while (given hyoscamine for that) and I have fairly constant right upper quadrant pain. I also can get midline stomach pain, like a stinging pain (given Tagamet for that-I had been taking Ibuprofen for a low back and hip problem). I get the occasional twinge of pain in the left upper quadrant. Once in a while I have pale-colored stool. My doctor has now added Cymbalta for nerve pain in my hip. She stated the ultrasound did show liver enlargement and fatty liver. Since I do not drink alcohol, I have a NASH diagnosis. I am overweight and need to exercise. I am being referred to a gastroenterologist, also. Hopefully, I will get some more concrete information from him. All the best to you, hope all goes well.


@nina9, Good Morning and welcome to Connect. I want you to feel assured that you are not alone with questionable / confusing symptoms. I have some experience with liver health due to a history with a different liver disease. I also was sent to a gastroenterologist (GI) who was able to diagnose and to monitor and provide for my treatment plan.

I want to share the following links where you can learn more about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. I hope that you find them helpful as you prepare for your appointment -

I look forward to hearing from you with any questions.
When is your appointment?


@nina9, Good Morning and welcome to Connect. I want you to feel assured that you are not alone with questionable / confusing symptoms. I have some experience with liver health due to a history with a different liver disease. I also was sent to a gastroenterologist (GI) who was able to diagnose and to monitor and provide for my treatment plan.

I want to share the following links where you can learn more about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. I hope that you find them helpful as you prepare for your appointment -

I look forward to hearing from you with any questions.
When is your appointment?

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Thank you so much for your reply and welcome to Connect, Rosemary. I certainly appreciate the time you have taken to send those links to me. I will be seeing the gastroenterologist in a week's time. I hope to get some answers from him. I had labs drawn today and have signed an authorization for all my records to be released to the doctor. Fingers crossed! Thank you once again for the links. I have found them to be very helpful. Have a lovely day. All the best,


I had never known anyone else who had their gall bladder removed and continued to have pain. I have all kinds of tests done and everything is normal but about ever six weeks I have a week long episode. Hard to live with.


Only thing I know for sure is to avoid high fructose corn syrup. It can cause nonalcoholic fatty liver in some people.


Only thing I know for sure is to avoid high fructose corn syrup. It can cause nonalcoholic fatty liver in some people.

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Hello @cherokeetwin and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, a community of members connecting on a variety of health topics and conditions to support one another. You seem to have experience with this topic. Do you, or a loved one, have fatty liver?


I had never known anyone else who had their gall bladder removed and continued to have pain. I have all kinds of tests done and everything is normal but about ever six weeks I have a week long episode. Hard to live with.

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Hello @gingerqueen

You might be surprised to learn that many people who have their gallbladders removed still continue to have pain. Hee is a link to a discussion about that very topic,

Here is another website that may offer you more information,

I'm wondering where your pain is located. Are there any foods that seem to trigger the pain?

Did you have open surgery or was your surgery laparoscopic?


I have several right ups on pain after gallbladder. I had same thing but it started a couple of weeks after lap surgery to remove it. I took cholestyramine resin, took one packet a day, it is powder in the packet. I took one box and a 50billion probiotic urgent care got rid of it and I have never had it back. In Ontario you need a prescription....try it! You have nothing to lose.

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