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Living Dangerously - Nebulizer Cleaning

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: May 12, 2022 | Replies (137)

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Hi @thumperguy. I've been following this group since fall of 2019 when I was 8-9 months diagnosed MAC & Bronchiectasis. When they made a change in the way we get messages, etc. I got lost. Now I'm getting a weekly notice of messages. Anyhoo, My Smart vest was delivered today. The therapist comes Wednesday to train me. Any tips or questions I should ask. Thanks, and keep on thumping.

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Replies to "Hi @thumperguy. I've been following this group since fall of 2019 when I was 8-9 months..."

My wife just got her AFFLOVEST this past Friday. Based on the instructions and the training we were given, it is an easy process. I know it it time consuming, but everything comes with a cost and in this case time, 30 minutes x 2 each day. If it get results then the benefit is to your favor. I am trying to get my wife to do both at the same time, nebulize and vest...I understand the benefit will be worth it...

Faye, Exciting time, a spanking new percussion vest. Hey, just think, you may become known as “Thumperchik.”
This probably doesn’t rise to the level of a tip, but I have occasionally, while wearing the vest, machine running, extended both arms simultaneously above my head with fingers interlaced (kinda like a Yoga pose). It intuitively fosters the feeling that it’s doing all kinds of good. Don