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I joined this forum a couple of days ago and since then have read every post from the beginning. I'm so grateful to learn from your experience! I am sharing my story because I think it will help with the emotional shock I am feeling. I am a 62 year old woman who runs daily and lifts weights 3-4 times a week--so extremely active! I woke up one morning with stiff neck that, over the next few days, progressively moved to the usual suspect spots on my body (shoulders, thoracic spine, chest, wrist, hips). After a week of intense pain (unable to lift my arms, couldn't turn my head, screamed in pain with every movement--I know you've been there!), my son convinced me to go the ER. I was diagnosed with PMR during an emergency room visit on May 7. The amazing ER staff immediately consulted with a rheumatolagist who ordered the correct blood work and prescribed 20 mg prednisone. Within an hour my pain was gone! I can't believe how fortunate I am to have received such a quick diagnosis and an appointment with a rheumatolagist within 3 days. I was ready to tell the rheumatologist to take me off the Prednisone--I felt so good! Don't worry--I'm still on the 20 mg and plan to follow a slow and smart taper based on the wonderful advice from this forum. My heart goes out to those of you who suffered for weeks, months and years without a proper diagnosis. Thanks for this opportunity to share my story.

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Replies to "I joined this forum a couple of days ago and since then have read every post..."

Welcome to our not so little club 😉. I too devoured the many posts and learned much from them as I realise you did too. Wish I could see a rheumatologist that quickly. I was diagnosed in February but can’t see a rheumatologist until June 4th. So much for having private health insurance. If it wasn’t for Mayo Connect I don’t know what I would have done. Thank you again to all those wonderful people posting about their experiences with PMR and prednisone.

You are lucky to get the quick diagnosis. I had my first bout of PMR when I was 57 and like you was very active, aerobics classes, weights, etc. It actually started the day after I got my a very good time in a 5-mile run/walk. I didn’t get a diagnosis for 2 months because I tried to heal it on my own (unsuccessfully). I was on prednisone for 2 years and then it was in remission for about 12 years. I am 74 now and on my 3rd bout. My first rheumatologist warned my not to lift weights over 2 pounds due to risk of tendenitis. I did have tendinitis twice and had PT to heal it. I also tried acupuncture and had side effects. One acupuncturist told me to avoid acupuncture when one has an autoimmune disease since it helps the immune system and makes the autoimmune disease worse. I don’t know if PMR is autoimmune or not. Be patient in reducing prednisone.