GERD treatment: Diet vs. drugs

Posted by bonnieh218 @bonnieh218, Jun 28, 2019

I’m looking for anyone that is successfully treating their reflux with diet or supplements instead of drugs. In reading about the drugs used to treat reflux disease, I’m reading that they play a role in bone destruction. I have osteoporosis so I’m reluctant to start any drugs prescribed for reflux. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

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Thanks for posting that recipe. I will definitely try it.

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I love that combination of berries and sweet banana and almond milk, too. I add a tablespoon/scoop of vanilla or unflavored unsweetened protein powder and after buying fresh berries, banana, I clean and cut up the fruit, stick it in ziplock baggies and put in freezer until I'm ready for a smoothie. By freezing the fruit, I get the really cold effect that I love w/o adding ice which waters down the drink. I love this smoothie and do this a couple times weekly. It's really delicious, feels like a treat and is so good for me.

I also take several supplements, after blood-tests for deficiencies and to see what I need to add. I take script potassium, script B12 shot I give myself every 2 weeks, Vitron+C -for iron deficiency, D3, B Complex, zinc, magnesium, biotin, Centrum Silver for Women, glucosomine-chondrointin, I eat a greek yogurt parfait with berries and granola several times weekly for breakfast, which helps my digestion and offers protection as I'm often on anti-biotics , steroids or other meds. I have also added a probiotic, which I lucked up on since they are so different..but, for years I had serious gut/IBS-D and since , don't.

I seem to have hit a good system for me with this issue. Trial and error. There are some foods that can cause you specific issues. But, the gastro doc had a list of the ones most likely to cause Gerd problems. I have my own list that's just added to the general list.

Interesting, I can't drink any carbonated waters or drinks other than diet coke. Coke is known to have a soothing effect of the stomach. That may be part of it, don't know. But, the carbonation in this drink helps me with gas and bloating. Other carbonation cause serious Gerd issues.

That's a breakfast or maybe a mid-afternoon small meal. I also eat small amounts always. My gut will rebel like crazy if I eat what used to be a full meal. I eat 4-6 times daily, small amounts, varied items/tastes. And, not after 6ish in the evening. I drink water/green tea iced or hot throughout the day, about 64 oz of liquids daily.

Hope you all find you own personal system that works for you. blessings, elizabeth


You are smart to avoid drugs. It’s only a bandaid fix. Gastros push PPI but they have horrendous side effects. I can’t stay on them longer than 3 months. It keeps me from absorbing magnesium and I get horrible leg cramps. It can keep you from absorbing B12 also have to get shots. I was just on for 3 months again and I had to stop. Not sure if there is any real cure for this problem. Trigger foods are different for everyone.

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I also started to get severe leg cramps at night. I'll wake up feeling like I've torn my calf muscle screaming in pain. I thought it was from me walking too much and never thought to question the ppi I'm on. Now I know.



I also have had GI problems with GERD and esophagitis. I also make smoothies in a blender. I use a combination of Kefir and an Atkins shake for the liquid (rather than almond milk). The Kefir provides probiotics and the Atkins shake provides protein and fiber. I generally add fruit such as berries and bananas.

Kefir is quite sour to drink alone, however, mixed in a blender with other ingredients the sour taste is not noticeable.

Has anyone else tried Kefir?

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Never heard of Kefir. I forgot to mention an important part of my daily routine.....Atkins Dark Chocolate Shake! Dark Chocolate is the only one that for some weird reason my gut can handle, as I don't do well with milk products. This flavor causes no problems, all others give me diarrhea. I often have one shake a day, in a.m. or afternoon, as a small meal. It is filled with goodies that add a lot of the additional vit/min I need. It's filling, pleasant, and no, I've not yet tried it in my smoothie. Will soon though. I just ckd on Kefir and since I have trouble w/milk, I think I have to pass. Sounds like an interesting thought tho.
Blessings, all. elizabeth


I also started to get severe leg cramps at night. I'll wake up feeling like I've torn my calf muscle screaming in pain. I thought it was from me walking too much and never thought to question the ppi I'm on. Now I know.

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Yes it’s from the PPI. ITS AN EXCRUCIATING PAIN. After 3 months on PPI it happens to me.


Yes it’s from the PPI. ITS AN EXCRUCIATING PAIN. After 3 months on PPI it happens to me.

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May well be electrolytes, magnesium as others have mentioned in the cramping thread. Ck it out, @riflemanz64. Good discussion about let cramps at night. I am careful to drink enough water and take potassium, magnesium, iron+C and others since I have an adrenal gland hormonal deficiency that causes my potassium to run very low for years.....and other hormonal deficiencies that must be addressed. The cramps were really bad for months before the bloodwork and diagnoses, treatment. Now, with the supplements and treatments, very little cramping unless I don't get enough exercise.

starting at the therapy pool next week hopefully! Missed it and need it!

Off to bed, it's close to 11 here and I only got 3 hours sleep last night. not good. So, may you be well and safe.
Blessings, elizabeth


I have stopped my Gerd with diet. I had LINX surgery in 2014 but still had to take PPI's since I still had burning and gas. I found out I had a fruit malabsorption. I have written about this throughout this site. After cutting out all fruit and most vegetables that are really fruit also ALL forms of sugar I haven't had a med since, also A1C went from high 6 to normal! About 30% of people have this and it can cause autoimmune problems and reflux, diabetes and more! It's worth giving this stuff up to feel better and whenever I cheat I pay the price!


May well be electrolytes, magnesium as others have mentioned in the cramping thread. Ck it out, @riflemanz64. Good discussion about let cramps at night. I am careful to drink enough water and take potassium, magnesium, iron+C and others since I have an adrenal gland hormonal deficiency that causes my potassium to run very low for years.....and other hormonal deficiencies that must be addressed. The cramps were really bad for months before the bloodwork and diagnoses, treatment. Now, with the supplements and treatments, very little cramping unless I don't get enough exercise.

starting at the therapy pool next week hopefully! Missed it and need it!

Off to bed, it's close to 11 here and I only got 3 hours sleep last night. not good. So, may you be well and safe.
Blessings, elizabeth

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Also the diet changed I just wrote about stopped my horrible leg and foot cramps!


I control GERD by diet. I watch what I eat and don,t eat after7PM

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What do you leave out? I have hiatal hernia, is it helping


Also the diet changed I just wrote about stopped my horrible leg and foot cramps!

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Wow. Mind blown. I have leg and foot cramps among other things. We should all pat ourselves on the back for looking outside the box and trying to help ourselves. I find that doctors don’t take too kindly to that. There’s more bad drs than good ones. My primary is on maternity leave and the doc taking her place just denied giving me blood test or referral to rheumatologist I told her I was looking into alternative medicine and the appointment went left. She’s trying to punish me for not thinking she’s s god. She doesn’t know me. I’m in control of my life not u!!!! I’ve turned her in to her supervisor and called patient advocates. When my doc comes back, she will get an ear full. She hasn’t heard the last of me. In the meantime, I pushing forward and I will fix this.

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