Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


sorry for the mixup - maybe some fun decals are in order?

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@sueinmn lol. Can't wait for the decals!


I bet you look like a movie star going down the street in your hot pink walker but be careful using it. I fell more than once using one. I found crawling on my hands and knees safer. My dizziness? & double vision came back the day after I missed my Neurologist & Ophthalmologists appt. Wouldn't you know. Why is it you always feel fine the day you go to the doctor. I hope your balance is good or at least better than mine.
Take care of yourself And take care of yourself and those walking aids. Do you end up eating me and falling more than walking.

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Why did you miss your doc appointments? Did you simply feel better and didn't think you needed to go?

Do you have a diagnosis for the double vision and balance? Mechanical or neurological? I now know, after years thinking it was neuro, my vision and balance issues are caused by mechanical issues and other than neuro. I just found out my eyesight was deteriorating badly due to autoimmune disease. I have sarcoid which often hits the eyes.

For several weeks a few months ago, I actually thought I was losing my sight. Usually, it gets blurry and double more when I'm tired or over-did the energy use. This was different. My local opthamologist whom I've seen for years and is well known in the area as excellent, apparently missed the Sarcoid attack. It's not easy to diagnose, but that's one serious miss and a big reason I chose him years ago. My Mayo opthamologist found inflammation and put me on steroid eye drops for a month. I've now tapered off them, to my horror, as they almost instantly improved my sight in all ways. Saw better than I had in years.

Can't stay on the steroid, so she prescribed an ointment w/tiny bit of antibiotic and steroid, not enough to damage or cause side effects but enough to solve lots of those other issues. Even the double vision is lessened and less frequent.

Leonard, I am very careful. I don't want to fall again, so I've adjusted my movements and steps to know where the foot is hitting, I move differently, no quick or twisting movements. no going where or when I know better. A lot of my falling was balance, moving too fast or changing direction or such. Not any more. My thinking is changed. I think safe now.

Ok, be well and safe, my friend. BTW: I'm researching getting a medical alert system. They can detect a fall, I didn't know that and need that ability. They now can detect a fall and make emergency contact for you w/o you pushing a button. I need that as I may well not be able to do it myself.

See you later. Blessings to you, elizabeth


@sueinmn lol. Can't wait for the decals!

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You know, my son offered to get some flame decals like for motorcycles! I wanted it purple with bright yellow/orange/red flames shooting up the legs......Now, I'm thrilled with my hot pink roller! with zebra striped bag and seat of course.....That's my statement about life!

Yes, Laurie, go to Mayo Clinic peregrine falcons.org to see the EarthCam 24/7 on the nesting box on top the Mayo Building, Rochester. It's 40 degrees now at 2:30 ct, feels like 30...I watched this morning the streaming of the actual hatching times. It was great. Usually, watch live and ck in to see what's up. I enjoy watching them feed and interact as a family. Must be jealous?????

Off to ck on my personal feeders and visitors. I've done nothing today, but stay busy on my laptop with you folks and a gal coming to Mayo Florida for the first time in 3 weeks for gastro help. Lori, you & others need to chat with her! I've been going to Mayo for the last 3 years so often it feels like the car drives itself.

She's @gastrogirl, asking for guidance re her upcoming visit. I've chatted a couple times to let her have idea what to expect on campus. This can be a daunting time for her, as we all know, so I know she'd benefit from your support! You are the folks who've been instrumental in so much of my healing....bless each of you! elizabeth


Hello, All! @becsbuddy, @johnbishop, @lorimt, @colleenyoung, @gingerw, @artscaping, @artist01, @sueinmn, @jakedduck1, @jude07, and everyone!

They hatched!!! This morning between 5 -6 two chicks broke out into the world, with lots of noise. Oron is now out hunting, will bring food to Hattie and she'll feed the babies. Then, watch the parents keep the nesting box clean. So interesting to watch them in their lives.

Now the fun begins for several weeks....we get to know the personalities of the chicks and watch them grow into huge babies, too big for the nest and see the feathers grow, watch their first attempt at flight and learning how to be falcons. I love this....thank you, Mayo for this wonderful opportunity to be a part of this project.

I'm spreading the word.....this is a too closely held secret for a lot of patients and friends who will love learning about Hattie and Oron. I'm sending out notes to friends to watch.....several last year joined me and got grandchildren involved.
Enjoy and be blessed...elizabeth

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Love this cycle of life post. Looking forward to following along with everyone.


@ess77 Hi Elizabeth. I just posted a message to @gastrogirl. Hoping she'll feel comfortable to contact me. Thanks for the Heads Up on behalf of one of us who needs our support. Laur


Well, today is the perfect day! Calm before the storm. We’re supposed to get high winds, rain and snow by tomorrow with a 30degree drop in temps. Guess I’d better walk a lot today!
Yesterday’s walk took me past a slightly swampy area where all the mini frogs congregate. The noise they make is incredible! So loud, but not irritating. Don’t you just love spring?!


Well, today is the perfect day! Calm before the storm. We’re supposed to get high winds, rain and snow by tomorrow with a 30degree drop in temps. Guess I’d better walk a lot today!
Yesterday’s walk took me past a slightly swampy area where all the mini frogs congregate. The noise they make is incredible! So loud, but not irritating. Don’t you just love spring?!

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@becsbuddy Yesterday we had rain most all the day. I stayed inside. No need to slip trying to go for a walk!

This morning I have gone on one walk so far. The distance is pretty small, but I am out and moving. It was still chilly, and three ravens were in a nearby tree, waiting for the temps to rise a bit. Sure hope they are not watching the geese's nests to steal eggs!


Howdy doody Artist,
You have been missed for sure. Don’t you have anywhere better to spend your time than in the hospital?
I hope they were just giving you an overhaul so you’d be in good shape for my 108th birthday.
You’ll be walking the happy trails again soon but for now “it is what it is” right?
You take care of yourself now and that’s an order,

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Well it appears I don’t have anywhere better to spend my time then @artist does.
I just got out of the hospital myself.
I woke up and felt fine, Not that that’s anything to brag about, and demanded my release. The doc wanted to keep me so I made a deal. “If the Physical Therapist says I'm good to go will you spring me outta here? She did and so did he. I agreed a Home Health agency could come see me. nothing was said about how many times so now I have to cook up a scheme to get rid of them after their first visit. The problem may already be solved. I said they could come and they can come but I never said anything about letting them in.
Stay well Laurie and out of hospitals and I’ll do the same.
Take care,


Well it appears I don’t have anywhere better to spend my time then @artist does.
I just got out of the hospital myself.
I woke up and felt fine, Not that that’s anything to brag about, and demanded my release. The doc wanted to keep me so I made a deal. “If the Physical Therapist says I'm good to go will you spring me outta here? She did and so did he. I agreed a Home Health agency could come see me. nothing was said about how many times so now I have to cook up a scheme to get rid of them after their first visit. The problem may already be solved. I said they could come and they can come but I never said anything about letting them in.
Stay well Laurie and out of hospitals and I’ll do the same.
Take care,

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@jakedduck1 Oh my goodness, Jake. What happened - a seizure? I'm so sorry. You'd better behave and do what the doctor says, (and the Physical Therapist too!) Were you just trying to make me feel better by joining the ranks of us hospital sickies? That was very gallant of you!
I'm slowly improving but still a ways to go.
Take care, Jake. Laurie


No seizure thankfully. I had another episode like last December. I couldn't walk. I was having trouble crawling without falling over. I was falling over the edge of my chair. Every test came back normal. But my first blood pressure reading was high 187/102 but didn't take long to go down. Go figure.
I wish your recovery was as fast as mine.
Take care of yourself,

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