COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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I have a list of allergies a mile long, many with anaphylaxis as a reaction, including the three you mentioned. I have small fiber neuropathy in both feet as well as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome there. I have used Lidoderm Pain patches on both feet, also lidocaine-prilocaine cream. My pain management doctor has done epidurals and I am scheduled for a Radio Frequency Ablation to the sural nerve. I have multiple spine issues from neck to tail bone, including having a spinal cord stimulator installed in 2012 and a new one in 2018. Together we decided I should not get the vaccine. I live alone, my husband died in January of 2020, my one daughter does my grocery shopping, the only places I go to are doctor offices so we thought the lack of exposure to virus was pretty slim. After reading what you all have gone through I am very grateful for that decision! My prayers for you who are suffering. May just the right help be on its way.

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That doesn't read correctly. It should say the chance of exposure to virus was pretty slim. Sorry for goof.


Dear@roadrunner, Two months ago I tested positive for long-term Covid antibodies. In March 2021, I received both Pfizer vaccines. On April 5, I tested positive for Covid. I have now had Covid twice. My feet are also on fire, short of breath, fatigue. The first Covid was March 2020, with a virulent, rib-breaking, four-month-long cough, with SOB. This Covid is more sore-throat, severe SOB, and fatigue. My feet are also like yours, burning, tingling...I am praying you feel better! We are all in his together!

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Thanks, Thomason. Appreciate your prayers and will do the same. I probably will not get another vaccine if CDC recommends it. I will take my chances.


Thanks, Thomason. Appreciate your prayers and will do the same. I probably will not get another vaccine if CDC recommends it. I will take my chances.

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Same here.


I developed neuropathy for the first time in my life after my first Pfizer dose in Dec. Took subsequent dose in Jan. Almost 5 months later now, neuropathy still going strong. My body is completely changed.

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You're the first one we've come across that never had neuropathy and then got it from the shot. This should be a concern to the cdc


Since Dr GV has never heard of the mRNA vaccine exacerbating pre existing peripheral neuropathy I'd be pleased to share my experience to the contrary with him as I'm sure would many others on this thread..


Since Dr GV has never heard of the mRNA vaccine exacerbating pre existing peripheral neuropathy I'd be pleased to share my experience to the contrary with him as I'm sure would many others on this thread..

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Thank you! I get it that contracting Covid can be really bad on people with PN and is linked to causing it. But I truly want medical providers to acknowledge that some of us have had PN reactions to the vaccine. And, to at least do some research on it! I reported my increased symptoms back in February after the first shot and again after my second in early March and my symptoms just keep getting worse.

Would I still have the symptoms? Most likely, as I was finally diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that can cause PN. However, I know that the rapid increase of my symptoms correlates to receiving the vaccines.


Thank you! I get it that contracting Covid can be really bad on people with PN and is linked to causing it. But I truly want medical providers to acknowledge that some of us have had PN reactions to the vaccine. And, to at least do some research on it! I reported my increased symptoms back in February after the first shot and again after my second in early March and my symptoms just keep getting worse.

Would I still have the symptoms? Most likely, as I was finally diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that can cause PN. However, I know that the rapid increase of my symptoms correlates to receiving the vaccines.

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I think that in the interest of saving lives and trying to stop the spread of Covid, not as much testing of the vaccine was done as is usual. It is unfortunate that we have seen PN and inflammatory flares, as well as some other non-lethal side effects, but the vaccine has definitely slowed both infections and deaths.

I watched the virus' effects on my 30-40 something daughters, as well as serious after-effects for one of them. As an individual at high risk for serious illness from Covid, as well as someone itching to resume life, I made the decision to be vaccinated, knowing all vaccines have a risk of inflammatory response for me. (I reacted to both shingles and flu vaccines with bouts of inflammation.) I did have an inflammatory reaction, which I had to deal with for a little over 2 months, but I feel free now to proceed safely with my life, still taking reasonable precautions. Also, repeated assurances that, even if infected after vaccination, the disease would be much milder, swayed my decision. Also, adding myself to the ranks of vaccinated helps limit the hosts for the Covid virus and variants.

Each of us must make our own decisions, for me the desire to safely resume life outside of a tiny bubble made the risk worthwhile.



I think that in the interest of saving lives and trying to stop the spread of Covid, not as much testing of the vaccine was done as is usual. It is unfortunate that we have seen PN and inflammatory flares, as well as some other non-lethal side effects, but the vaccine has definitely slowed both infections and deaths.

I watched the virus' effects on my 30-40 something daughters, as well as serious after-effects for one of them. As an individual at high risk for serious illness from Covid, as well as someone itching to resume life, I made the decision to be vaccinated, knowing all vaccines have a risk of inflammatory response for me. (I reacted to both shingles and flu vaccines with bouts of inflammation.) I did have an inflammatory reaction, which I had to deal with for a little over 2 months, but I feel free now to proceed safely with my life, still taking reasonable precautions. Also, repeated assurances that, even if infected after vaccination, the disease would be much milder, swayed my decision. Also, adding myself to the ranks of vaccinated helps limit the hosts for the Covid virus and variants.

Each of us must make our own decisions, for me the desire to safely resume life outside of a tiny bubble made the risk worthwhile.


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I had my first ever symptoms of neuropathy with the Pfizer vaccine and after 5 months not much improvement. This is a significant change to my body. I was one of the biggest vaccine proponents out there. I’m a nurse and was I was one of the first people in line to receive it as I was expecting my first 2 grandchildren this spring and I hoped (wrongfully as it turned out) that being vaccinated might allow me to be with my daughters, or visit the one grandchild that we knew would be in for a long NICU stay. Instead what I got was months of physical discomfort and emotional stress. Not to even mention the amount of money I have spent on Docs and testing. I don’t think most people here are trying to say the vaccine shouldn’t be given, I think they would like to see the CDC look into the neurological issues and come up with some useful information. Personally I’d love my old body back. ☹️ But as it doesn’t look like that will happen I’d like to at least know why I’m going through this.


I think that in the interest of saving lives and trying to stop the spread of Covid, not as much testing of the vaccine was done as is usual. It is unfortunate that we have seen PN and inflammatory flares, as well as some other non-lethal side effects, but the vaccine has definitely slowed both infections and deaths.

I watched the virus' effects on my 30-40 something daughters, as well as serious after-effects for one of them. As an individual at high risk for serious illness from Covid, as well as someone itching to resume life, I made the decision to be vaccinated, knowing all vaccines have a risk of inflammatory response for me. (I reacted to both shingles and flu vaccines with bouts of inflammation.) I did have an inflammatory reaction, which I had to deal with for a little over 2 months, but I feel free now to proceed safely with my life, still taking reasonable precautions. Also, repeated assurances that, even if infected after vaccination, the disease would be much milder, swayed my decision. Also, adding myself to the ranks of vaccinated helps limit the hosts for the Covid virus and variants.

Each of us must make our own decisions, for me the desire to safely resume life outside of a tiny bubble made the risk worthwhile.


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I am in complete agreement with you and have always advocated the importance of getting the vaccine. I’m a transplant patient, just 8 months out, couple of autoimmune diseases, and definitely ready to escape lockdown. I also had a huge reaction to the shingles vaccine, but that reaction went away after a week.

I simply ask that someone in the medical profession recognize that the Covid vaccine can cause PN and potentially increase existing PN symptoms. And, that research begin on these incidents so that others can make a more informed decision. I’d also like to know if these symptoms eventually decrease and what factors are involved. If we’re expected to get boosters, I can guarantee that without this acknowledgment and research I will not get a booster.


You're the first one we've come across that never had neuropathy and then got it from the shot. This should be a concern to the cdc

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I have just recently filed my VAERS info. I have held off on reporting this for many reasons. Too numerous to go into right now. Unfortunately I don’t have much faith that it will be looked into at all, knowing the pressure that exists in the push to get everyone vaccinated. And just have heard so many times that vaccine injuries are a dead end issue.

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