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Ascending Aortic Aneurysm and Exercise

Aortic Aneurysms | Last Active: Nov 8, 2023 | Replies (107)

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Hello @anniejam

I can understand you want some more information about this new diagnosis of the hole in your heart. Here is some information from Mayo Clinic's website, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/atrial-septal-defect/symptoms-causes/syc-20369715.

What information has your cardiologist given you about this?

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Replies to "Hello @anniejam I can understand you want some more information about this new diagnosis of the..."

Hi Anniejam. Regarding your small hole in addition to your ascending aortic aneurysm... I actually have both. I didn’t think to much about my little patent foramen ovale (the hole) because functionally it didn’t seem to impact me. However, during my foot surgery last summer, the anesthesiologist was concerned, and the anesthesia was altered. Plus I had to have levonox shots (blood thinner) for two weeks following. Mine is not a concern as far as potential repair and function because it is small, but it does need special care if I have anesthesia because of blood clot potential. I am quite glad I had a team working on me at that time , because Honestly, I had no idea. I hope this helps.